
  • 中英文摘要
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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 海水物质平衡浮标对北冰洋中心区海冰温度与物质平衡的观测 期刊论文 李娜, 刘骥平, 张占海, 崔琳, 雷瑞波|
2 Sensitivity of sea ice and ocean simulations to sea ice salinity in a coupled global climate model 期刊论文 Liu, J.|
3 Crucial physical characteristics of sea ice in the Arctic section of 143 °–180°W during August and early September 2008 期刊论文 Lei Ruibo|Li Zhijun|Li Na|Lu Peng|Cheng Bin|
4 Interaction of an anticyclonic eddy with sea ice in the western Arctic Ocean: an eddy-resolving model study 期刊论文 Li Qun、 Zhang Zhanhai、Wu Huiding|
5 南极长城站雪暴的个例研究 期刊论文 杨清华|尹朝晖|张林|邢建勇|苏博|
6 Reflection and transmission of irradiance by snow and sea ice in the central Arctic Ocean in summer 2010 期刊论文 Lei Ruibo|Zhang Zhanhai|Matero Ilkka|Cheng Bin|Li Qun|Huang Wenfeng|
7 Summer sea ice characteristics and morphology in the Pacific Arctic sector as observed during the CHINARE 2010 cruise 期刊论文 H. Xie, R. Lei, C. Ke, H. Wang, Z. Li, J. Zha|S. F. Ackley|
8 Thermal Diffusivity Identification of Distributed ParameterSystems to Sea Ice 期刊论文 Liqiong Shi, Zhijun Li, Enmin Feng et al|
9 北冰洋浮冰站近地层参数的观测估算 期刊论文 王先桥|杨清华|李诗民|周明煜|乔然|吕洪刚|
10 Marine radar observations of iceberg distribution in the summer Southern Ocean 期刊论文 Peng Lu, Zhijun Li, Liqiong Shi et al|
11 Field investigations of apparent optical properties of ice cover in Finnish and Estonian lakes in winter 2009 期刊论文 Lei Ruibo, Leppäranta Matti, Erm Ants, Jaatinen E|
12 北极夏季海冰反照率的观测和数值模拟试验 期刊论文 杨清华|程斌|雷瑞波|王先桥|杨 宇|张占海|
13 Modeling seasonal variation of sea ice in Prydz Bay 期刊论文 Li Qun|Wu Huiding|Zhang Lu|
14 Form Drag of Ice Ridges in the Northwestern Weddell Sea 会议论文 Bing Tan, Peng Lu, Zhijun Li, Christian Haas,|Marcel Nicolaus|
15 Trends in Latent and Sensible Heat Fluxes over the Southern Ocean 期刊论文 Lejiang Yu|Zhanhai Zhang|Mingyu Zhou|
16 南极长城站海雾形成的气候背景及天气形势分析 期刊论文 许淙|杨清华|薛振和|
17 Form drag on pressure ridges and drag coefficient in the northwestern Weddell Sea, Antarctica, in winter 期刊论文 TAN Bing, LU Peng, LI Zhijun, LI Runling|
18 Numerical modelling of snow and ice thickness in Lake Vanajavesi, Finland 期刊论文 Yu Yang|Matti Leppäranta|Bin Cheng|Zhijun Li|
19 Ferrel Circulation Variability in the Southern Hemisphere and their linkages with tropical and subtropical sea surface temperature 期刊论文 Chen, L., M. Song, J. Liu|
20 Sea ice surface features in Arctic summer 2008: Aerial observations 期刊论文 Peng Lu|Zhijun Li|Bin Cheng|Ruibo Lei|Rui Zhang|
21 Multiyear sea ice thermal regimes and oceanic heat flux derived from an ice mass balance buoy in the Arctic Ocean 期刊论文 Ruibo Lei, Na Li, Petra Heil, Zhanhai Zhang, Bo|
22 Simulation and domain identification of sea ice thermodynamic system 期刊论文 Bing Tan|Peng Lu|Zhijun Li|Enmin Feng|Juan Wang|
23 中国第四次北极科考冰情可视监测系统快速固定法 会议论文 常婷, 柳鹏, 傅先平|
24 一种双系统冰层厚度测量系统 专利 常晓敏; 窦银科; 张林; 王宇辉
25 The physical structures of snow and sea ice in the Arctic section of 150◦–180◦W during the summer of 2010 期刊论文 HuangWenfeng, Lei Ruibo, IlkkaMatero, Li Qun,|
26 Aerial Observations of Melt Pond Distributions in Arctic Summer 2008 会议论文 Peng Lu, Zhijun Li, Ruibo Lei, Rui Zhang|
27 A parameterization of the ice-ocean drag coefficient 期刊论文 Peng Lu, Zhijun Li, Bin Cheng, Matti Lepparant|
28 一种极地海冰冰裂缝宽度自动化测量装置及测量方法 专利 窦银科; 常晓敏; 孙波; 王宇辉
29 北极海冰数值预报的初步研究-基于海冰-海洋耦合模式MITgcm的耦合试验 期刊论文 杨清华|刘骥平|张占海|吴辉碇|李群|邢建勇|
30 Modeling Experiments on air-snow-ice interactions over Kilpisjarvi, a lake in northern Finland 期刊论文 Yang Y., Cheng B., Kourzeneva E|
31 Spring Arctic sea ice as an indicator of North American summer rainfall 期刊论文 Song, M., J. Liu, C. Wang|
32 夏季北冰洋浮冰-水道热力特征现场观测研究 期刊论文 雷瑞波, 李志军, 程斌, 杨清华, 李娜|
33 A method of obtaining ice concentration and floe size from shipboard oblique sea ice images 期刊论文 Peng Lu, Zhijun Li|
34 南极冬季威德尔海冰脊的表面形态 期刊论文 谭冰|李志军|卢鹏|Haas Christian|Nicolaus Marcel|
35 Influences of gas bubble and ice density on ice thickness measurement by GPR 期刊论文 Li Zhijun, Jia Qing, Zhang Baosen, Lepparanta Mat|Huang Wenfeng|
36 Techniques of image-based ice monitoring 会议论文 Peng Lu, Zhijun Li, Rui Zhang, Qing Jia|
37 An inter-comparison of six latent and sensible heat flux products over the Southern Ocean 期刊论文 Lejiang Yu, Zhanhai Zhang, Shiyuan Zhong, Ming|Bo Sun|
38 Is extreme Arctic sea ice anomaly in 2007 a key contributor to severe January 2008 snowstorm in China? 期刊论文 Liu Na, Liu Jiping, Zhang Zhanhai|
39 Ice concentration assimilation in a regional ice-ocean coupled model and its application in sea ice forecasting 期刊论文 Li Qun, Zhang Zhanhai, Sun Li, Wu Huiding|
40 2003年北极科考期间一次极涡个例天气学分析 期刊论文 隋翠娟|孙兰涛|孟上|王咏亮|吴辉碇|
41 Changes in ice-season characteristics of a European Arctic lake from 1964 to 2008 期刊论文 Lei Ruibo|Leppäranta Matti|Bin Cheng|Heil Petra|Zhijun Li|
42 2010年夏季北极冰情变化及大气环流演变 期刊论文 隋翠娟|张占海|凌铁军|吴辉碇|于乐江|
43 Morphology of sea ice pressure ridges in the Northwestern Weddell Sea in winter 期刊论文 Bing Tan|Zhi-jun Li|Peng Lu|Christian Haas|Marcel Nicolaus|
44 Investigation of the thermodynamic processes of a floe-lead system in the central Arctic during later summer 期刊论文 Lei Ruibo, Li ZhiJun, Cheng Bin, Yang Qinghua, Li|
45 Status of the Recent Declining of Arctic Sea Ice Studies 期刊论文 Zhang Lu Zhang Zhanhai, Li Qun, Wu Huiding|
46 Trends in latent and sensible heat fluxes over the oceans surrounding the Arctic Ocean 期刊论文 Yu, L., Z. Zhang, M. Zhou et al|
47 PIV measurement of flow velocity field under modeled ice floe 会议论文 Peng Lu, Zhijun Li|Qiang Zhang|
48 Estimation of oceanic heat flux under landfast sea ice in Prydz Bay, East Antarctic 会议论文 Yu Yang, Zhijun, Li, Matti Lepparanta, Bin Cheng,|
49 A review of Sea ice observation using digital photography 会议论文 Peng Lu, Hui, Sun, Zhijun, Li|
50 海冰反照率参数化研究回顾 期刊论文 杨清华|张占海|刘骥平|吴辉碇|张林|