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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Weak magnetism correction to allowed β decay for reactor antineutrino spectra 期刊论文 X. B. Wang;A. C. Hayes
2 Tetrahedral symmetry in the ground state of 16O 期刊论文 王小保;董国香;高早春;陈永寿;沈彩万
3 Triaxiality and shape coexistence in the A ∼ 30 “island of inversion” nuclei 期刊论文 DONG GuoXiang;WANG XiaoBao;YU ShaoYing
4 Revisiting the monopole components of effective interactions for the shell model 期刊论文 X B Wang;G X Dong
5 Single- and two-nucleon momentum distributions for local chiral interactions 期刊论文 D. Lonardoni;S. Gandolfi;X. B. Wang;J. Carlson
6 Residue cross sections of 50Ti-induced fusion reactions based on the two-step model 期刊论文 Ling Liu;Caiwan Shen;Qingfeng Li;Ya Tu;Xiaobao Wang;Yongjia Wang
7 Helium-3 production from Pb+Pb collisions at SPS energies with the UrQMD model and the traditional coalescence afterburner 期刊论文 QingFeng Li;YongJia Wang;XiaoBao Wang;CaiWan Shen
8 丰中子镁同位素的四极关联特性研究 期刊论文 董国香;王小保;于少英
9 Properties of Nuclei up to A= 16 using Local Chiral Interactions 期刊论文 D. Lonardoni;J. Carlson;S. Gandolfi;J. E. Lynn;K. E. Schmidt;A. Schwenk;X. B. Wang
10 Analysis of the Daya Bay Reactor Antineutrino Flux Changes with Fuel Burnup 期刊论文 A. C. Hayes;Gerard Jungman;E. A. McCutchan;A. A. Sonzogni;G. T. Garvey;X. B. Wang
11 Re-examining the premise of isobaric collisions and a novel method to measure the chiral magnetic effect 期刊论文 Hao-jie Xu;Jie Zhao;Xiaobao Wang;Hanlin Li;Zi-Wei Lin;Caiwan Shen;Fuqiang Wang
12 Solution of the Skyrme-Hartree–Fock–Bogolyubov equations in the Cartesian deformed harmonic-oscillator basis. (VIII) hfodd (v2.73y): A new version of the program 期刊论文 N. Schunck;J. Dobaczewski;W. Satuła;P. Bączyk;J. Dudek;Y. Gao;M. Konieczka;K. Sato;Y. Shi;X.B. Wang;T.R. Werner
13 Influence of coalescence parameters on the production of protons and Helium-3 fragments 期刊论文 QingFeng Li;YongJia Wang;XiaoBao Wang;CaiWan Shen
14 An investigation of ab initio shell-model interactions derived by no-core shell model 期刊论文 XiaoBao Wang;GuoXiang Dong;QingFeng Li;CaiWan Shen;ShaoYing Yu
15 Varying the chiral magnetic effect relative to flow in a single nucleus-nucleus collision 期刊论文 Hao-Jie Xu;Jie Zhao;Xiao-Bao Wang;Han-Lin Li;Zi-Wei Lin;Cai-Wan Shen;Fu-Qiang Wang
16 Nuclear Zemach moments and finite-size corrections to allowed β decay 期刊论文 X. B. Wang;J. L. Friar;A. C. Hayes
17 Many-body correlations in shell model effective interactions derived by ab initio methods and the Vlow-k approach 期刊论文 Xiao-Bao Wang;Guo-Xiang Dong;Hua-Lei Wang;Cen-Xi Yuan;Yong-Jing Chen;Ya Tu
18 Importance of Isobar Density Distributions on the Chiral Magnetic Effect Search 期刊论文 Hao-jie Xu;Xiaobao Wang;Hanlin Li;Jie Zhao;Zi-Wei Lin;Caiwan Shen;Fuqiang Wang
19 Multiphase transport model predictions of isobaric collisions with nuclear structure from density functional theory 期刊论文 Hanlin Li;Hao-jie Xu;Jie Zhao;Zi-Wei Lin;Hanzhong Zhang;Xiaobao Wang;Caiwan Shen;Fuqiang Wang