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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Expression of PSCA, PIWIL1 and TBX2 and its correlation with HPV16 infection in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded cervical squamous cell carcinoma specimens 期刊论文 Liu, Wen-Kang|Jiang, Xiang-Yang|Zhang, Zhen-Xi|
2 激光细胞微手术的发展和应用 期刊论文 姚翠萍|王晶|梅建生|杨洋|
3 Role of intracellular calcium dynamics in the short-term memory in CVM model: A simulation study 期刊论文 Mei, Xi|Wang, Jing|Mei, Jian-sheng|Zhang, Hong|Zhang, Zhen-xi|
4 新型光动力学疗法光敏剂5-ALA-GNPs的制备及其光谱分析 期刊论文 姚翠萍|王斯佳|杨洋|韩玉龙|许皓|曾维惠|张镇西|
5 The relationship between HPV16 and expression of cyclooxygenase-2, P53 and their prognostic roles in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 期刊论文 Liu, Wen-Kang|Jiang, Xiang-Yang|Zhang, Mei-Ping|Zhang, Zhen-Xi|
6 Expression Pattern of the ASPP Family Members in Endometrial Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma 期刊论文 Liu, Wen-Kang|Jiang, Xiang-Yang|Ren, Jian-Kang|Zhang, Zhen-Xi|
7 基于蒙特卡洛原理的光谱技术在肿瘤检测中的应用研究 期刊论文 刘成波|张镇西|
8 肠出血性大肠杆菌O104:H4及其检测方法 期刊论文 王斯佳|张镇西|
9 Fabrication and characterization of three-dimensional core-shell structure ZnO photonic crystals by magnetron sputtering based on opal template 期刊论文 Xiong Yu-Ying|Kang Feng|Ke Zheng|Zhuo Shi-Yi|Liang Cui-Fen|Zhang Zhenxi|
10 Brownian diffusion of gold nanoparticles in an optical trap studied by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy 期刊论文 J. Wang|Z. X. Zhang|Z. Li|C. P. Yao|
11 基于心室动作电位的三维心肌组织模型算法研究 期刊论文 张虹|明乐群|金印彬|李明军|张镇西|杨琳|
12 心脏短期记忆对组织电兴奋的影响及其机制 期刊论文 王娟|张虹|杨琳|吴瑞娟|张镇西|
13 Expression of PSCA, PIWIL1, and TBX2 in Endometrial Adenocarcinoma 期刊论文 Liu, Wen-Kang|Jiang, Xiang-Yang|Zhang, Zhen-Xi|
14 纳米尺度激光紧聚焦光穿孔技术 期刊论文 梁晓轩|王晶|张镇西|
15 用于Monte Carlo模拟的复杂生物组织模型 期刊论文 姜良刚|徐正红|张镇西|朱京平|张云尧|
16 Effects of electrical heterogeneity on transmural reentry during acute global ischemia 期刊论文 Zhang, Hong|Jin, Yin-Bin|Zhang, Zhen-Xi|Yang, Lin|Huang, Ye-Cho|
17 Chronic hypoxia and exercise training affect the NO content and NOS activity of rat skeletal muscle 期刊论文 Ren, Wenjun|Yang, Xudong|Jiang, Xiaogang|Li, Zheng|Zhang, Zhenxi|
18 A Study of the autofluorescence spectrum of the tissues in various places of rats during the period of medium-intensity aerobic exercise 会议论文 Ren Wenjun|Zhang biannan|Xu Zhenhong|Zhang Zhenxi|
19 Experimental validation of an inverse fluorescence Monte Carlo model to extract concentrations of metabolically relevant fluorophores from turbid phantoms and a murine tumor model (vol 17, 078003, 2012) 期刊论文 Liu, Chengbo|Rajaram, Narasimhan|Vishwanath, Karthik|Jiang, Tony|Palmer, Gregory M.|Ramanujam, Nirmala|
20 稳态光谱技术提取生物组织结构和功能互补信息研究 期刊论文 刘成波|宋璟波|隆弢|张镇西|
21 纳米光子学 专著 张镇西|
22 Fabrication and characterization of three-dimensional core-shell structure ZnO photonic crystals by magnetron sputtering based on opal template 期刊论文 Xiong Yu-Ying|Zhang Zhenxi|
23 基于扩散相关光谱的血流检测方法研究 期刊论文 梁佳明|王晶|梅建生|张镇西|
24 Anti-CD30-targeted gold nanoparticles for photothermal therapy of L-428 Hodgkin’s cell 期刊论文 Xiaochao Qu|Cuiping Yao|Jing Wang|Zheng Li|Zhenxi Zhang|
25 纳米金提高光敏剂单态氧产率的研究 期刊论文 沈利剑|许皓|王斯佳|张镇西|
26 基于高通量微弱荧光快速检测的高分辨熔解曲线分析仪 期刊论文 彭年才|张镇西|李政|赵玉龙|蒋庄德|
27 2010年度引进版科技类优秀图书奖 奖励 张镇西|
28 Effects of light irradiation upon photodynamic therapy based on 5-aminolevulinic acid–gold nanoparticle conjugates in K562 cells via singlet oxygen generation 期刊论文 Xu Hao|(Liu Chen|Mei Jiansheng|Yao Cuiping|Zhang Zhenxi|