
  • 中英文摘要
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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Lattice structures and electronic properties of MO/MoSe2 interface from first-principles calculations 期刊论文 H T Xue|W J Lu|J F Liu|M Huang|
2 Generalized stacking fault energies, cleavage energies, ionicity and brittleness of Cu(Al/Ga/In)Se2 and CuGa(S/Se/Te)2 期刊论文 H T Xue|F L Tang|T Gruhn|W J Lu|
3 Phase diagram of the CuInSe2-CuGaSe2 pseudobinary system studied by combined ab initio density functional theory and thermodynamic calculation 期刊论文 H. T. Xue, W. J. Lu, F. L. Tang*,|
4 Spin/orbital coupling and charge ordering in LaMnO3/SrMnO3 superlattice 期刊论文 F L Tang|Y X Hu|W J Lu|
5 Structural and electronic properties of a single C chain doped zigzag BN nanoribbons 期刊论文 Q W Wang|G Y Cao|F L Tang|M Huang|
6 Lattice structures and electronic properties of WZ-CuInS2/MoS2 interface from first-principles calculations 期刊论文 F L Tang|H T Xue|Y Zhang|Y D Feng|
7 First-principles study of small palladium clusters on NiAl(110) alloy surface 期刊论文 P Wu|G Y Cao|F L Tang|M Huang|
8 高介电Hf1-xSixO2的热学性能 期刊论文 F J Si|W J Lu|F L Tang|
9 Molecular dynamics simulations of void shrinkage in gamma-TiAl single crystal 期刊论文 H T Xue|W Y Yu|L Zhu|Z Y Rui|
10 Temperature effects on distribution and inhomogeneous degree of In–Ga atoms in CuIn1?xGaxSe2 alloys 期刊论文 F L Tang|F Z Zhang|W J Lu|Y D Feng|
11 Pt (111)表面由C60吸附带来的表面重构:第一性原理计算 期刊论文 Huang Min|
12 Effect of the NO3-/CH3COO- ratio on structure and performance of ultrafine LiMn2O4 by solution combustion synthesis 期刊论文 W F Fan|F C Wang|W J Lu|F L Tang|
13 Optical properties of Al-doped CuInSe2 from the first principle calculation 期刊论文 F L Tang|Z X Zhu|W J Lu|
14 First-principles investigation of structural phase transitions and electronic properties of CuGaSe2 up to 100 GPa 期刊论文 H T Xue|F L Tang|W J Lu|
15 First-principles calculation of sulfur-selenium segregation in ZnSe1-xSx: The role of lattice vibration 期刊论文 X K Li|H T Xue|F L Tang|W J Lu|
16 Al-doped CuInSe2: An ab initio study of structural and electronic properties of a photovoltaic material 期刊论文 汤富领|
17 Structural and magnetic effects on thermal emittance of La1-xSrxMnO3 from the first principles calculation 期刊论文 F L Tang|H T Xue|W J Lu|Y D Feng|
18 Lattice structures and electronic properties of CIGS/CdS interface: 期刊论文 Tang Fu-Ling(汤富领)*, Liu Ran(刘冉),Xue Hong-Tao(薛红涛)|
19 Cd1-xZnxS热学性质的理论研究与设计 期刊论文 万福成|汤富领 等|
20 Phase equilibrium of a CuInSe2-CuInS2 pseudobinary system studied by combined first-principles calculations and cluster expansion Monte Carlo simulations 期刊论文 F L Tang|X K Li|F C Wan|W J Lu|
21 First principles investigation of optical properties of CuIn(SxSe1-x)2 期刊论文 F C Wan|F L Tang|Z X Zhu|H T Xue|
22 Lattice structures and electronic properties of MO/MoSe2 interface 期刊论文 Y Zhang|F L ang|H T Xue|W J Lu|
23 Molecular dynamics simulations of void growth in gamma-TiAl single crystal 期刊论文 H T Xue|W J Lu|L Zhu|Z Y Rui|
24 Facile approach to preparation of nitrogen-doped graphene and its supercapacitive performance 期刊论文 F L Tang|J W Lang|W W Liu|X B Yan|
25 Phase diagram of the CulnSe(2)-CuGaSe2 pseudobinary system studied by combined ab initio density functional theory and thermodynamic calculation 期刊论文 F L Tang|X K Li|Y Zhang|Y D Feng|
26 Crystal structure and photoelectric property of thin-film solar cell materials Cd1-xZnxS 期刊论文 汤富领|
27 Thermal properties of high-k Hf1-xSixO2 期刊论文 汤富领|
28 Lattice structures and electronic properties of CIGS/CdS interface: First-principles calculations 期刊论文 W J Lu|Y D Feng|Z Y Rui|M Huang|
29 Molecular dynamics simulations of void growth in γ-TiAl single crystal 期刊论文 Fu-Ling Tang|Hou-Min Cai et al|