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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Call characteristic network reveal geographical patterns of call similarity: applying network analysis to frog’s call research 期刊论文 Ke Deng;Yue Yang;Jianguo Cui
2 Behavioral and neurogenomic responses to acoustic and visual sexual cues are correlated in female torrent frogs 期刊论文 Longhui Zhao;Jichao Wang;Yanlin Cai;Jianghong Ran;Steven E Brauth;Yezhong Tang;Jianguo Cui
3 Mate choice decisions of female serrate-legged small treefrogs are affected by ambient light under natural, but not enhanced artificial nocturnal light conditions 期刊论文 Ke Deng;Bicheng Zhu;Ya Zhou;Qinghua Chen;Tongliang Wang;Jichao Wang;Jianguo Cui
4 工作记忆对雌性锯腿原指树蛙配偶选择的影响 期刊论文 周亚;邓可;朱弼成;崔建国
5 A test of the matched filter hypothesis in two sympatric frogs, Chiromantis doriae and Feihyla vittata 期刊论文 Yue Yang;Bicheng Zhu;Jichao Wang;Steven E. Brauth;Yezhong Tang;Jianguo Cui
6 Males increase call frequency, not intensity, in response to noise, revealing no Lombard effect in the little torrent frog 期刊论文 Longhui Zhao;Xiaoqian Sun;Qinghua Chen;Yue Yang;Jichao Wang;Jianghong Ran;Steven E. Brauth;Yezhong Tang;Jianguo Cui
7 Male serrate-legged treefrogs adjust competition strategies according to visual or chemical cues from females 期刊论文 Ke Deng;Qiaoling He;Ya Zhou;Bicheng Zhu;Tongliang Wang;Jichao Wang;Jianguo Cui
8 Conspecific odor cues induce different vocal responses in serrate-legged small treefrogs, but only in the absence of acoustic signals 期刊论文 Ke Deng;Ya Zhou;Qiaoling He;Bicheng Zhu;Tongliang Wang;Jichao Wang;Jianguo Cui
9 Females and males respond differently to calls impaired by noise in a tree frog 期刊论文 Haodi Zhang;Bicheng Zhu;Ya Zhou;Qiaoling He;Xiaoqian Sun;Jichao Wang;Jianguo Cui
10 环境噪声对蛙类通讯行为的影响及蛙类的适应策略 期刊论文 张豪迪;孙晓倩;朱弼成;崔建国
11 Auditory perception exhibits sexual dimorphism and left telencephalic dominance in Xenopus laevis 期刊论文 Yanzhu Fan;Xizi Yue;Fei Xue;Jianguo Cui;Steven E. Brauth;Yezhong Tang;Guangzhan Fang
12 背条螳臂树蛙鸣声的繁殖性状替代 期刊论文 杨悦;蔡炎林;李红杰;赵龙辉;唐业忠;崔建国
13 Noise constrains the evolution of call frequency contours in flowing water frogs: a comparative analysis in two clades 期刊论文 Longhui Zhao;Juan C. Santos;Jichao Wang;Jianghong Ran;Yezhong Tang;Jianguo Cui
14 Vocal networks remain stable after a disturbance in Emei music frogs 期刊论文 Ke Deng;Jianguo Cui
15 Auditory neural networks involved in attention modulation prefer biologically significant sounds and exhibit sexual dimorphism in anurans 期刊论文 Fei Xue;Xizi Yue;Yanzhu Fan;Jianguo Cui;Steven E. Brauth;Yezhong Tang;Guangzhan Fang
16 雄性西藏蟾蜍的鸣声特征及听觉敏感性 期刊论文 蔡炎林;杨悦;赵龙辉;唐业忠;崔建国
17 Multisensory modalities increase working memory for mating signals in a treefrog 期刊论文 Bicheng Zhu;Ya Zhou;Yue Yang;Ke Deng;Tongliang Wang;Jichao Wang;Yezhong Tang;Michael J. Ryan;Jianguo Cui
18 Auditory sensitivity exhibits sexual dimorphism and seasonal plasticity in music frogs 期刊论文 Ping Yang;Fei Xue;Jianguo Cui;Steven E. Brauth;Yezhong Tang;Guangzhan Fang
19 Auditory sensitivity changes with diurnal temperature variation in little torrent frogs (Amolops torrentis) 期刊论文 Xiaoqian Sun;Longhui Zhao;Qinghua Chen;Jichao Wang;Jianguo Cui