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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Calcium inhibited peel browning by regulating enzymes in membrane metabolism of ‘Nanguo’ pears during post-ripeness after refrigerated storage 期刊论文 Lei Zhang;Junwei Wang;Bing Zhou;Guode Li;Ye-fei Liu;Xiaolin Xia;Zhigang Xiao;Fei Lu;Shujuan Ji
2 Low temperature conditioning alleviates loss of aroma-related esters of 'Nanguo' pears by regulation of ethylene signal transduction 期刊论文 Yao Miaomiao;Zhou Xin;Zhou Qian;Shi Fei;Wei Baodong;Cheng Shunchang;Tan Zhuo;Ji Shujuan
3 Transcriptome analyses provide new possible mechanisms of aroma ester weakening of 'Nanguo' pear after cold storage 期刊论文 Shi Fei;Zhou Xin;Zhou Qian;Tan Zhuo;Yao Miao miao;Wei Bao dong;Ji Shu juan
4 Effect of ATP treatment on enzymes involved in energy and lipid metabolisms accompany peel browning of 'Nanguo' pears during shelf life after low temperature storage 期刊论文 Zhang Lei;Wang Jun wei;Zhou Xin;Shi Fei;Fu Wei wei;Ji Shu juan
5 Effect of low temperature storage on energy and lipid metabolisms accompanying peel browning of ‘Nanguo’ pears during shelf life 期刊论文 Junwei Wang;Yangao Jiang;Guode Li;Mei Lv;Xin Zhou;Qian Zhou;Weiwei Fu;Lei Zhang;Yufeng Chen;Shujuan Ji
6 Low temperature conditioning alleviates peel browning by modulating energy and lipid metabolisms of 'Nanguo' pears during shelf life after cold storage 期刊论文 Wang Junwei;Zhou Xin;Zhou Qian;Cheng Shunchang;Wei Baodong;Ji Shujuan
7 miRNAs play important roles in aroma weakening during the shelf life of ‘Nanguo’ pear after cold storage 期刊论文 Fei Shi;Xin Zhou;Miao miao Yao;Zhuo Tan;Qian Zhou;Lei Zhang;Shu juan Ji
8 Exogenous ATP alleviated aroma fading by regulating LOX pathway and fatty acids synthesis in 'Nanguo' pears after refrigeration 期刊论文 Zhang Lei;Wang Jun wei;Li Guo de;Zhou Xin;Fu Wei wei;Jiang Yan gao;Liu Ting;Ji Shu juan
9 Effect of intermittent warming on alleviation of peel browning of 'Nanguo' pears by regulation energy and lipid metabolisms after cold storage 期刊论文 Wang Junwei;Lv Mei;Li Guode;Jiang Yangao;Fu Weiwei;Zhang Lei;Ji Shujuan
10 Membrane lipid metabolism changes and aroma ester loss in low-temperature stored Nanguo pears 期刊论文 Shi Fei;Zhou Xin;Zhou Qian;Tan Zhuo;Yao Miao miao;Wei Bao dong;Ji Shu juan
11 冷藏对南果梨酯类香气合成关键酶活性及蛋白表达的影响 期刊论文 王龙;周鑫;盛蕾;周倩;王俊伟;白丽娟;纪淑娟
12 Low-temperature stress-induced aroma loss by regulating fatty acid metabolism pathway in ‘Nanguo’ pear 期刊论文 Fei Shi;Xin Zhou;MiaomiaoYao;Qian Zhou;ShujuanJi;Yu Wang
13 Proteomic analysis of the potential mechanism of fading of aroma-related esters in ‘Nanguo’ pears after long-term refrigeration 期刊论文 Lei Zhang;Junwei Wang;Xin Zhou;Shu-juanJi