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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 贵州省青年科技奖 奖励 祁小四
2 Water-assisted and controllable synthesis of core/shell/shell structured carbon-based nanohybrids, and their magnetic and microwave absorption properties 期刊论文 Xiaosi Qi;Erqi Yang;Hongbo Cai;Ren Xie;Zhongchen Bai;Yang Jiang;Shuijie Qin;Wei Zhong;Youwei Du
3 Morphology-controllable synthesis of carbon nanomaterials directly on Al2O3 substrates, and their photoluminescence 期刊论文 Xiaosi Qi;Qi Hu;Jianle Xu;Ren Xie;Yang Jiang;Wei Zhong;Youwei Du
4 Heteronanostructured Co@carbon nanotubes-graphene ternary hybrids: synthesis, electromagnetic and excellent microwave absorption properties 期刊论文 Xiaosi Qi;Qi Hu;Hongbo Cai;Ren Xie;Zhongchen Bai;Yang Jiang;Shuijie Qin;Wei Zhong;Youwei Du
5 Synthesis of high purity chain-like carbon nanospheres in ultrahigh yield, and their microwave absorption properties 期刊论文 Xiaosi Qi;Jianle Xu;Wei Zhong;Youwei Du
6 高选择性梳状CdS纳米材料的合成方法 专利 祁小四;刘洪超;邓朝勇
7 Preparation, electromagnetic and enhanced microwave absorption properties of Fe nanoparticles encapsulated in carbon nanotubes 期刊论文 Xiaosi Qi;Jianle Xu;Qi Hu;Wei Zhong;Youwei Du
8 Controllable synthesis, characterization, and magnetic properties of magnetic nanoparticles encapsulated in carbon nanocages and carbon nanotubes 期刊论文 Xiaosi Qi;Jianle Xu;Wei Zhong;Chaktong Au;Youwei Du
9 The synthesis and excellent electromagnetic radiationabsorption properties of core/shell structured Co/carbon nanotube-graphenenanocomposites 期刊论文 Xiaosi Qi;Qi Hu;Jianle Xu;Ren Xie;Yang Jiang;Wei Zhong;Youwei Du
10 第五届自然科学优秀学术论文奖 奖励 祁小四;丁谦;钟伟
11 Metal-free carbon nanotubes: synthesis, and enhanced intrinsic microwave absorption properties 期刊论文 Xiaosi Qi;Jianle Xu;Qi Hu;Yu Deng;Ren Xie;Yang Jiang;Wei Zhong;Youwei Du
12 A facile route to synthesize core/shell structured carbon/magnetic nanoparticles hybrid and their magnetic properties 期刊论文 Xiaosi Qi;Jianle Xu;Wei Zhong;Youwei Du
13 Fabrication, characterization, purification and photoluminescence properties of carbon nanomaterials over water-soluble alkali salts 期刊论文 Jianle Xu;Xiaosi Qi;Qi Hu;Yang Jiang;Wei Zhong;Youwei Du
14 High yield synthesis and photoluminescence properties of carbon coils over Al2O3 substrates 期刊论文 Xiaosi Qi;Jianle Xu;Wei Zhong;Youwei Du
15 贵州省第十一批优秀青年科技人才 奖励 祁小四
16 Preparation of porous Fe2O3 nanorods-reduced graphene oxide nanohybrids and their excellent microwave absorption properties 期刊论文 Qi Hu;Xiaosi Qi;Hongbo Cai;Ren Xie;Liu Long;Zhongchen Bai;Yang Jiang;Shuijie Qin;Wei Zhong;Youwei Du
17 Synthesis of carbon nanofibers in ultrahigh yield and their magnetic and microwave absorption properties 期刊论文 Xiaosi Qi;Jianle Xu;Wei Zhong;Youwei Du
18 Selective synthesis of carbon nanomaterials of different structures over KNO3 catalys 期刊论文 Xiaosi Qi;Jianle Xu;Wei Zhong;Youwei Du
19 科技进步二等奖 奖励 钟伟;汤怒江;都有为;祁小四
20 Enhanced microwave absorption properties and mechanism of core/shell structured magnetic nanoparticles/carbon-based nanohybrids 期刊论文 Qi Xiaosi;Hu Qi;Xu Jianle;Xie Ren;Bai Zhongchen;Jiang Yang;Qin Shuijie;Zhong Wei;Du Youwei
21 一种双螺旋碳纳米管的高产合成方法 专利 祁小四