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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 基于联合单势阱和Woods-Saxon势的随机共振系统研究 期刊论文 张刚;石佳蓓;张天骐
2 Weak signal detection based on underdamped stochastic resonance with an exponential bistable potential 期刊论文 He Li-fang;Cao Li;Zhang Gang;Yi Tian
3 时延反馈EVG系统随机共振特性研究及轴承故障诊断 期刊论文 贺利芳;杨玉蕾;张天骐
4 A Novel Adaptive Stochastic Resonance Method Based on Tristable System and its Applications 期刊论文 Gang Zhang;Chuan Jiang;Tian Qi Zhang
5 α 噪声下自适应非线性耦合双稳随机共振弱信号检测 期刊论文 张刚;张义俊;张天骐
6 二维非对称双稳随机共振系统及其在故障诊断中的应用 期刊论文 张刚;谭春林;贺利芳
7 分段线性非对称系统在故障检测中的研究 期刊论文 贺利芳;江川;张刚;张天骐
8 色噪声下多稳态随机共振的微弱信号检测方法 期刊论文 张刚;易甜;贺利娜
9 Levy噪声下新型势函数的随机共振特性分析及轴承故障检测 期刊论文 贺利芳;周熙程;张刚;张天骐
10 混合多稳态随机共振的故障信号检测 期刊论文 张刚;李红威
11 Method of Rolling Bearing Fault Detection Based on Two-Dimensional Tri-Stable Stochastic Resonance System 期刊论文 Zhang Gang;Xu Hao;Zhang Tianqi
12 Stochastic resonance in a monostable system driven by time-delayed feedback 期刊论文 Zhang Gang;Zhou Lin;Zhang Tianqi
13 二阶随机共振系统的冲击信号检测 期刊论文 易甜;张刚;张天骐;曹莉
14 色噪声下自适应级联多稳态随机共振的微弱信号检测 专利 张刚
15 Stochastic resonance in a time-delayed tumor cell growth system driven by additive and multiplicative noises 期刊论文 Zhang Gang;Shi Jiabei;Zhang Tianqi
16 Stochastic resonance of coupled time-delayed system with fluctuation of mass and frequency and its application in bearing fault diagnosis 期刊论文 Gang Zhang
17 基于Duffing与Van der Pol强耦合系统的随机共振研究及轴承故障诊断 期刊论文 张刚;吴瑕
18 A typical stochastic resonance in Landau-type potential field 期刊论文 Zhang Gang;Xu Hao;Zhang Tianqi
19 Stochastic Resonance in Strongly Coupled Duffing and Van der pol Oscillators Under Trichotomous Noise and Bearing Fault Diagnosis 期刊论文 Gang Zhang;Xia Wu;Tianqi Zhang
20 Stochastic resonance in coupled fractional-order linear harmonic oscillators with damping fluctuation 期刊论文 He Lifang;Wu Xia;Zhang Gang
21 Piecewise asymmetric exponential potential under-damped bi-stable stochastic resonance and its application in bearing fault diagnosis 期刊论文 Gang Zhang;Chunlin Tan;Lifang He
22 一种分段非线性双稳系统的弱信号检测方法 专利 贺利芳;周熙程;吴瑕;张刚
23 Cascaded Nonlinear Mass Fluctuation Stochastic Resonance System and Its Application in Bearing Fault Diagnosis 期刊论文 Gang Zhang;Hui Wang;Tian Qi Zhang
24 α 稳定分布噪声下非对称三稳系统的随机共振特性分析 期刊论文 张刚;谢攀;张天骐
25 改进型双稳随机共振系统及其在轴承故障诊断的应用 期刊论文 王慧;张刚;张天骐
26 三值噪声下级联非饱和双稳随机共振的微弱信号检测 专利 张刚
27 Stochastic resonance characteristic analysis of new potential function under Levy noise and bearing fault detection 期刊论文 He Lifang;Zhou Xicheng;Zhang Tianqi
28 The Analysis of Stochastic Resonance and Bearing Fault Detection based on Linear Coupled Bistable System under Lévy Noise 期刊论文 Gang Zhang;Dayun Hu;Tianqi Zhang
29 二维双阱势系统随机共振机理研究及应用 期刊论文 张刚;徐浩;张天骐
30 Piecewise Unsaturated Under-Damped Tri-stable Stochastic Resonance System and Its Application in Bearing Fault Diagnosis 期刊论文 Gang Zhang;Chunlin Tan;Lifang He
31 Stochastic resonance in asymmetric time-delayed bistable system under multiplicative and additive noise and its applications in bearing fault detection 期刊论文 Lifang He;Dayun Hu;Gang Zhang;Siliang Lu
32 The analysis of particles behavior under a delayed tristable system driven by multiplicative and additive noises 期刊论文 Gang Zhang;Yichen Shu;Tianqi Zhang
33 Stochastic Resonance in Second-Order Underdamped System With Exponential Bistable Potential for Bearing Fault Diagnosis 期刊论文 Zhang Gang;Zhang Yijun;Zhang Tianqi;Xiao Jiao
34 基于幂函数型随机共振的微弱信号恢复 期刊论文 贺利芳;曹莉;张刚;易甜
35 Levy噪声下自适应级联三稳随机共振系统研究 期刊论文 张刚;杨玉蕾;张天骐
36 采用形变周期势系统的轴承故障诊断方法 期刊论文 徐浩;张刚;张天骐
37 基于Hilbert的单边带调制随机共振的微弱信号检测 期刊论文 张刚;吴瑕
38 Stochastic resonance research on under-damped nonlinear frequency fluctuation for coupled fractional-order harmonic oscillators 期刊论文 Zhang Gang;Wang Hui;Zhang Tianqi
39 Thecharacteristicanalysisofstochasticresonanceinatimepolo-delayedtristablesystemanditsapplication 期刊论文 Gang Zhang
40 The Characteristic Analysis of Stochastic Resonance and Bearing Fault Diagnosis based on NWSG model driven by Trichotomous Noise 期刊论文 Gang Zhang;Yulei Yang;Tianqi Zhang
41 A multiscale noise tuning stochastic resonance for fault diagnosis in rolling element bearings 期刊论文 Zhang Gang;Yi Tian;Zhang Tianqi;Cao Li
42 Levy噪声驱动下的三稳态随机共振特性分析 期刊论文 贺利芳;崔莹莹;李国权;林金朝
43 Bearing Fault Diagnosis Based on Unsaturated Piecewise Non-linear Bistable Stochastic Resonance under Trichotomous Noise 期刊论文 Zhang Gang;Hu Dayun;Zhang Tianqi
44 指数型随机共振微弱振动信号检测方法 期刊论文 张刚;曹莉;贺利芳;易甜
45 Stochastic resonance in an under-damped linear system with nonlinear frequency fluctuation 期刊论文 Gang Zhang
46 Adaptive Modulation Stochastic Resonance of Two-Dimensional Asymmetric Bistable System and its Application in Bearing Fault Diagnosis 期刊论文 Gang Zhang;Yichen Shu;Tianqi Zhang
47 A Adaptive Stochastic Resonance Method Based on Two-Dimensional Tristable Controllable System and Its Application in Bearing Fault Diagnosis 期刊论文 Zhang Gang;Chuan Jiang;Zhang Tianqi
48 改进势函数随机共振在轴承故障检测中的应用 期刊论文 张刚;周林;张天骐
49 组合型幂指函数三稳态随机共振微弱信号检测 期刊论文 张刚;高俊鹏
50 Piecewise Unsaturated Multi-stable Stochastic Resonance under Trichotomous Noise and its Application in Bearing Fault Diagnosis 期刊论文 Gang Zhang
51 Research on Fault Detection of Unsaturated Piecewise Tristable Stochastic Resonance System 期刊论文 Gang Zhang;Yilin Liu;Lifang He
52 Research and application of coupled two-dimensional asymmetric bistable stochastic resonance system 期刊论文 Li Fang He;Wei Zhu;Gang Zhang
53 Stochastic Resonance in Unsaturated Piecewise Nonlinear Bistable System Under Multiplicative and Additive Noise for Bearing Fault Diagnosis 期刊论文 Gang Zhang;Dayun Hu;Tianqi Zhang
54 Research on standard three-well stochastic resonance system and its application in early bearing fault diagnosis 期刊论文 Lifang He;Chunlin Tan;Gang Zhang
55 Stochastic resonance in an asymmetric bistable system driven by multiplicative and additive Gaussian noise and its application in bearing fault detection 期刊论文 Zhang Gang;Zhang Yijun;Zhang Tianqi;Rana Mdsohel
56 级联三稳态随机共振的特性研究及应用 期刊论文 张刚;高俊鹏;李红威
57 二维四稳势系统随机共振机理研究与应用 期刊论文 张刚;徐浩;张天骐
58 Stochastic resonance in time-delayed exponential monostable system driven by weak periodic signals 期刊论文 He Lifang;Zhou Xicheng;Zhang Gang;Zhang Tianqi
59 Research on fault detection of asymmetric piecewise well-posed stochastic resonance system 期刊论文 Gang Zhang;Yilin Liu;Lifang He