
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Research on application of polynomial fitting technique in rotary kiln infrared temperature measurement system 期刊论文 Jinsong Liu|Changhui You|Yajun Cheng|Liangbing Yu|
2 基于自适应阈值HMRF的红外超分辨率重建 期刊论文 代少升|崔俊杰|张德洲|
3 Algorithm of Blind Pixels Detection for IRFPA Based on Integration Time Adjustment 会议论文 Shaosheng DAI|Yongqiang LIU|Zhihui DU|Fei XU|
4 Research on high precision equal-angle scanning method in rotary kiln temperature measurement system 期刊论文 You, Changhui|Liu, Jinsong|Cheng, Yang|Tang, Huaming|
5 基于图像纹理特征的SIFT算法研究 期刊论文 代少升|田永乐|
6 基于人眼视觉特性的红外图像增强算法 期刊论文 代少升|徐洪|刘琴|唐华明|
7 Non-uniformity correction algorithm for IRFPA based on local scene statistics and improved neural network 会议论文 Dai, Shaosheng|Chen, Changchuan|Wu, Chuanxi|
8 Study on infrared image detail enhancement algorithm based on adaptive lateral inhibition network 期刊论文 Qin Liu|Pengfei Li|Jinsong Liu|Haiyan Xiang|
9 Study on infrared image super-resolution reconstruction based on an improved POCS algorithm 期刊论文 Cui Junjie|Zhang Dezhou|Liu Qin|Zhang Xiaoxiao|
10 Research on position calibration method in infrared scanning temperature measurement system of rotary kiln 期刊论文 Chang-hui You|Zhong-yuan Guo|Ya-jun Cheng|Liang-bing Yu|
11 Study on new gray transformation of infrared image based on visual property 会议论文 Shaosheng DAI|Xingfu LI|Zhihui DU|Bin ZhANG|
12 From constrained to unconstrained datasets: an evaluation of local action descriptors and fusion strategies for interaction recognition 期刊论文 Yang, Luyu|Du, Yinhe|Feng, Zeming|Liu, Jiang|
13 An improved POCS super-resolution infrared image reconstruction algorithm based on visual mechanism 期刊论文 Liu, Jinsong|Dai, Shaosheng|Guo, Zhongyuan|Zhang, Dezhou|
14 Reconstruction algorithm of super-resolution infrared image based on human vision processing mechanism 期刊论文 Shaosheng DAI|Zhihui DU|Haiyan XIANG|Jinsong LIU|
15 Edge preserving super-resolution infrared image reconstruction based on L1- and L2-norms 期刊论文 Dezhou ZHANG|Junjie CUI|Xiaoxiao ZHANG|Jinsong LIU|
16 基于改进中值滤波和小波变换的红外图像去噪方法 期刊论文 代少升|崔俊杰|张德洲|张绡绡|
17 Edge Enhancement Using Adaptive Lateral Inhibition 会议论文 Shaosheng DAI|Zhihu DU|Yang Zhang|Yunqi Hu|
18 基于微扫描的红外超分辨率成像系统的设计 期刊论文 代少升|张德洲|崔俊杰|张绡绡|
19 回转窑筒体表面三维热图像生成方法研究 期刊论文 陈桂芳|申娇|
20 自适应红外目标跟踪算法 期刊论文 代少升|徐飞|
21 基于多阈值分割的红外图像伪彩增强算法 期刊论文 申娇|陈桂芳|唐华明|王飞|
22 Study on an infrared image enhancemnent algorithm by using lateral inhibition of human visual system 会议论文 DAI Shaosheng|Liu Qiang|TANG Huaming|LIU Jinsong|
23 红外焦平面阵列成像及其非均匀性校正技术 专著 代少升|李季碧|张天琪|黄俊|
24 超分辨率图像恢复方法综述 期刊论文 向海燕|
25 Super-resolution reconstruction of images based on uncontrollable microscanning and genetic algorithm 期刊论文 DAI Shao-sheng|Liu Jin-song|XIANG Hai-yan|DU Zhi-hui|
26 基于路径的Retinex算法在红外图像增强中的应用 期刊论文 刘琴|王斐|唐华明|陈桂芳|
27 基于SOPC的非致冷红外热成像系统的研制 期刊论文 代少升|牛道伟|
28 基于视觉对比度特性的红外图像超分辨率重建 期刊论文 刘劲松|杜智慧|向海燕|胡云淇|
29 An improved nonuniformity correction algorithm for IRFPA 会议论文 Liu, Yongpeng|Zhang, Qiang|Zhang, Yang|Bian, Minxiang|