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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Plastome Sequences of Lygodium japonicum and Marsilea crenata Reveal the Genome Organization Transformation from Basal Ferns to Core Leptosporangiates 期刊论文 Lei Gao|Bo Wang|Zhiwei Wang|Yuan Zhou|Yingjuan Su|Ting Wang|
2 Expression, Purification and Identification of CtCVNH, a Novel Anti-HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Protein from Ceratopteris thalictroides 期刊论文 Junbo Sun|Yingjuan Su|Ting Wang|
3 Isolation and characterization of ten polymorphic microsatellite loci for a vulnerable species Dacrycarpus imbricatus (Podocarpaceae) in China 期刊论文 Ning Li|Qi Deng|Lu Huang|Yingjuan Su|Ting Wang|
4 A set of microsatellite markers developed for Dacrydium pectinatum (Podocarpaceae), a vulnerable conifer in China 期刊论文 Lu Huang|Qi Deng|Ning Li|Yingjuan Su|Ting Wang|
5 基于叶绿体基因组全序列分析真叶植物叶绿体基因的适应性进化 期刊论文 王博|高磊|苏应娟|王艇|
6 Development of microsatellite loci for Cephalotaxus oliveri (Cephalotaxaceae) and cross-amplification in Cephalotaxus 期刊论文 Huawei Pan|Yingrong Guo|Yingjuan Su|Ting Wang|
7 Population genetic variation in the tree fern Alsophila spinulosa (Cyatheaceae): effects of reproductive strategy 期刊论文 Ting Wang|Yingjuan Su|Yuan Li|
8 Molecular evolution of psbA gene in ferns: unraveling selective pressure and co-evolutionary pattern 期刊论文 Lin Sen|Mario Fares|Yingjuan Su|Ting Wang|
9 Molecular evolution of rbcL in three gymnosperm families: identifying adaptive and coevolutionary patterns 期刊论文 Lin Sen|Mario Fares|Bo Liang|Lei Gao|Bo Wang|Ting Wang|Yingjuan Su|
10 Evolution of the rpoB-psbZ region in fern plastid genomes: notable structural rearrangements and highly variable intergenic spacers 期刊论文 Lei Gao|Yuan Zhou|Zhiwei Wang|Yingjuan Su|Ting Wang|
11 Microsatellite Loci for an Old Rare Species, Pseudotaxus chienii, and Transferability in Taxus wallichiana var. mairei (Taxaceae) 期刊论文 Qi Deng|Yingjuan Su|Ting Wang|
12 Phylogeny and evolutionary divergence times in Apterosperma and Euryodendron: evidence of a Tertiary origin in south China 期刊论文 Yingjuan Su|Wenbo Liao|Ting Wang|Yufei Sun|Qiang Wei|Hungta Chang|
13 The Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequence of Cephalotaxus oliveri (Cephalotaxaceae): Evolutionary Comparison of Cephalotaxus Chloroplast DNAs and Insights into the Loss of Inverted Repeat Copies in Gymnosperms 期刊论文 Xuan Yi|Lei Gao|Bo Wang|Yingjuan Su|Ting Wang|
14 AFLP Genome Scan to Detect Genetic Structure and Candidate Loci under Selection for Local Adaptation of the Invasive Weed Mikania micrantha 期刊论文 Ting Wang|Guopei Chen|Qijie Zan|Chunbo Wang|Yingjuan Su|