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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Cmr3 regulates the suppression on cyclic oligoadenylate synthesis by tag complementarity in a Type III-B CRISPR-Cas system 期刊论文 Guo Tong;Zheng Fan;Zeng Zhifeng;Yang Yang;Li Qi;She Qunxin;Han Wenyuan
2 Genome editing from Cas9 to IscB: Backwards and forwards towards new breakthroughs 期刊论文 Yu Zhenxiao;She Qunxin
3 Chapter of "Antiviral defense mechanisms in Archaea" in the book of "Encyclopedia of Virology Fourth Edition" 专著 Qunxin She
4 A type III-A CRISPR Cas system mediates co-transcriptional DNA cleavage at the transcriptiona bubbles in close proximity to active effectors 期刊论文 Lin Jinzhong;Shen Yulong;Ni Jinfeng;She Qunxin
5 Structure of Csx1-cOA(4) complex reveals the basis of RNA decay in Type III-B CRISPR-Cas 期刊论文 Molina Rafael;Stella Stefano;Feng Mingxia;Sofos Nicholas;Jauniskis Vykintas;Pozdnyakova Irina;Lopez-Mendez Blanca;She Qunxin;Montoya Guillermo
6 A seed motif for target RNA capture enables efficient immune defence by a type III-B CRISPR-Cas system 期刊论文 Pan Saifu;Li Qi;Deng Ling;Jiang Suping;Jin Xuexia;Peng Nan;Liang Yunxiang;She Qunxin;Li Yingjun
7 Recombinant Protein Expression: Prokaryotic Hosts and Cell-Free Systems:Chapter 14 专著 Mingxia Feng;Qunxin She
8 Molecular mechanisms of III-B CRISPR–Cas systems in archaea 期刊论文 Yan Zhang;Jinzhong Lin;Mingxia Feng;Qunxin She
9 一种利用内源CRISPR-Cas系统进行原核生物基因组编辑的方法 专利 佘群新;梁运祥;李英俊;潘赛夫;任敏;冯明霞;彭楠
10 An Orc1/Cdc6 ortholog functions as a key regulator in the DNA damage response in Archaea. 期刊论文 Sun Mengmeng;Feng Xu;Liu Zhenzhen;Han Wenyuan;Liang Yun Xiang;She Qunxin
11 A transcriptional factor B paralog functions as an activator to DNA damage-responsive expression in archaea. 期刊论文 Feng Xu;Sun Mengmeng;Han Wenyuan;Liang Yun Xiang;She Qunxin
12 Characterization of a novel type III CRISPR-Cas effector provides new insights into the allosteric activation and suppression of the Cas10 DNase 期刊论文 Lin Jinzhong;Feng Mingxia;Zhang Heping;She Qunxin
13 CRISPR-Cas adaptive immune systems in Sulfolobales:genetic studies and molecular mechanisms 期刊论文 Yu Zhenxiao;Jiang Suping;Wang Yuan;Tian Xuhui;Zhao Pengpeng;Xu Jianan;Feng Mingxia;She Qunxin
14 A Type III-B Cmr effector complex catalyzes the synthesis of cyclic oligoadenylate second messengers by cooperative substrate binding 期刊论文 Wenyuan Han;Stefano Stella;Yan Zhang;Tong Guo;Karolina Sulek;Li Peng Lundgren;Guillermo Montoya;Qunxin She
15 Structures of the Cmr-beta Complex Reveal the Regulation of the Immunity Mechanism of Type III-B CRISPR-Cas 期刊论文 Sofos Nicholas;Feng Mingxia;Stella Stefano;Pape Tillmann;Fuglsang Anders;Lin Jinzhong;Huang Qihong;Li Yingjun;She Qunxin;Montoya Guillermo