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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Active or autoclaved Akkermansia muciniphila relieves TNF-α-induced inflammation in intestinal epithelial cells through distinct pathways 期刊论文 Yuheng Luo;Cong Lan;Kunhong Xie;Hua Li;Estelle Devillard;Jun He;Li Liu;Jingyi Cai;Gang Tian;Aimin Wu;Zhihua Ren;Daiwen Chen;Bing Yu;Zhiqing Huang;Ping Zheng;Xiangbing Mao;Huifen Wang;Jiayong Tang
2 The fungal community and its interaction with the concentration of short-chain fatty acids in the caecum and colon of weaned piglets 期刊论文 Jiayan Li;Yuheng Luo;Daiwen Chen;Bing Yu;Jun He;Zhiqing Huang;Xiangbing Mao;Ping Zheng;Jie Yu;Junqiu Luo;Gang Tian;Hui Yan;Quyuan Wang;Huifen Wang
3 四川农业大学猪营养与饲料创新团队 奖励 陈代文;吴德;余冰;何军;方正锋;车炼强;虞洁;黄志清;毛湘冰;郑萍;冯斌;林燕;罗玉衡;罗钧秋;徐盛玉;阎辉;李健;卓勇
4 Lower abundance of Bacteroides and metabolic dysfunction are highly associated with the post-weaning diarrhea in piglets 期刊论文 Wen Ren;Bing Yu;Jie Yu;Ping Zheng;Zhiqing Huang;Junqiu Luo;Xiangbing Mao;Jun He;Hui Yan;Jinlong Wu;Daiwen Chen;Yuheng Luo
5 一种固态发酵苜蓿草粉饲料及其制备方法和应用 专利 罗玉衡;何俊;兰聪;李华;蔡景义;陈洪;陈代文
6 猪胃肠道内容物和黏膜样品采集与微生物组成分析 期刊论文 李佳彦;李华;罗玉衡
7 单胃动物肠道气体的代谢、生理功能及营养调控 期刊论文 王丹;陈代文;罗玉衡
8 Dynamic distribution of gut microbiota in pigs at different growth stages: composition and contribution 期刊论文 Yuheng Luo;Wen Ren;Hauke Smidt;André-Denis G. Wright;Bing Yu;Ghislain Schyns;Ursula M. McCormack;Aaron J. Cowieson;Jie Yu;Jun He;Hui Yan;Jinlong Wu;Roderick I. Mackie;Daiwen Chen
9 一种固态发酵小麦麸饲料及其制备方法和应用 专利 罗玉衡;何俊;兰聪;李华;陈洪;田刚;陈代文
10 An anaerobic sterile operating box 专利 Luo Yuheng;Lan Cong;Li Hua;Cai Jingyi;Tian Gang;Tang Jiayong
11 Wheat bran fermented by mixed fungal strains improves the digestibility of crude fiber and may benefit the gut health without impacting the growth performance in weaned pigs 期刊论文 Yuheng Luo;Jun He;Hua Li;Cong Lan;Jingyi Cai;Hong Chen;Gang Tian;Huifen Wang;Quyuan Wang;Jun He;Daiwen Chen;Bing Yu;Zhiqing Huang;Ping Zheng;Xiangbing Mao;Jie Yu;Junqiu Luo;Aimin Wu;Hui Yan
12 The fungal community and its interaction with the concentration of short-chain fatty acids in the faeces of Chenghua, Yorkshire and Tibetan pigs 期刊论文 Jiayan Li;Daiwen Chen;Bing Yu;Jun He;Zhiqing Huang;Xiangbing Mao;Ping Zheng;Jie Yu;Junqiu Luo;Gang Tian;Yuheng Luo
13 Prevotella-rich enterotype may benefit gut health in finishing pigs fed a diet with high amylose-to-amylopectin ratio 期刊论文 Wen Ren;Honglin Yan;Bing Yu;Maria C. Walsh;Jie Yu;Ping Zheng;Zhiqing Huang;Junqiu Luo;Xiangbing Mao;Jun He;Hui Yan;Daiwen Chen;Yuheng Luo
14 一种提高猪肉品质的复合纤维添加剂及其制备方法和应用 专利 罗玉衡;赵瑶;张玲;王政;李华;汤加勇
15 Rational consideration of Akkermansia muciniphila targeting intestinal health: advantages and challenges 期刊论文 Yuheng Luo;Cong Lan;Hua Li;Qingyuan Ouyang;Fanli Kong;Aimin Wu;Zhihua Ren;Gang Tian;Jingyi Cai;Bing Yu;Jun He;André-Denis G. Wright
16 猪肠道食糜和血清中短链脂肪酸浓度的测定 期刊论文 张睿楠;李华;汤加勇;吴彩梅;罗玉衡
17 Fermented Alfalfa Meal Instead of "Grain-Type" Feedstuffs in the Diet Improves Intestinal Health Related Indexes in Weaned Pigs 期刊论文 Yuheng Luo;Yang Liu;Yuqing Shen;Jun He;Hua Li;Cong Lan;Jiayan Li;Hong Chen;Daiwen Chen;Zhihua Ren;Bing Yu;Zhiqing Huang;Ping Zheng;Xiangbing Mao;Jie Yu;Junqiu Luo;Hui Yan
18 不同类型饲粮纤维对葡聚糖硫酸钠诱导的结肠炎小鼠生长性能、血清生化指标和免疫相关指标的影响 期刊论文 兰聪;何俊;李华;汤加勇;陈代文;余冰;何军;黄志清;郑萍;毛湘冰;虞洁;罗钧秋;阎辉;罗玉衡
19 一株具有修复肠上皮炎性损伤和抑制病原菌作用的布劳蒂亚菌及其应用 专利 罗玉衡;兰聪;申于青;刘洋;李华
20 Differential effect of dietary fibers in intestinal health of growing pigs: outcomes in the gut microbiota and immune-related indexes 期刊论文 Yuheng Luo;Yang Liu;Hua Li;Yao Zhao;André-Denis G Wright;Jingyi Cai;Gang Tian;Xiangbing Mao
21 A Compound Fiber Additive for Improving Pork Quality and Its Preparation and Application 专利 Luo Yuheng;Li Hua;Cai Jingyi;Tian Gang;Tang Jiayong
22 一株具有缓解腹泻和促生长作用的多形拟杆菌LYH5及其用途 专利 罗玉衡;兰聪;刘洋;申于青;李华
23 2019“颐和”青年创新奖 奖励 罗玉衡
24 Batch and sampling time exert a larger influence on the fungal community than gastrointestinal location in model animals: A meaningful case study 期刊论文 Jiayan Li;Daiwen Chen;Bing Yu;Jun He;Zhiqing Huang;Ping Zheng;Xiangbing Mao;Hua Li;Jie Yu;Junqiu Luo;Hui Yan;Yuheng Luo
25 The nutritional significance of intestinal fungi: alteration of dietary carbohydrate composition triggers colonic fungal community shifts in a pig model 期刊论文 Yuheng Luo;Jiayan Li;Hua Zhou;Bing Yu;Jun He;Aimin Wu;Zhiqing Huang;Ping Zheng;Xiangbing Mao;Jie Yu;Hua Li;Huifen Wang;Quyuan Wang;Hui Yan;Daiwen Chen
26 一种可培养厌氧菌株与猪肠上皮细胞共培养方法 专利 罗玉衡;兰聪;伍爱民;李华;谢坤宏;田刚;蔡景义;陈代文