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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 An identity between the m-spotty Rosenbloom-Tsfasman weight enumerators over finite commutative Frobenius rings 期刊论文 Mehmet, Ozen|Minjia Shi|Vedat Siap|
2 The MacWilliams Identity of Linear Codes Over M_{n×s}(Fp+uFp+vFp+uvFp) with Respect to RT Metric 期刊论文 Yan LIU|Minjia SHI|
3 The Depth Spectra of Linear Codes over F2+uF2+u^2F2 期刊论文 Ting Yao|Minjia Shi|Ya Chen|
4 On double cyclic codes over Z4 期刊论文 Jian Gao|Minjia Shi|Tingting Wu|Fangwei Fu|
5 Quadratic residue codes over Fp+vFp+v^2Fp 期刊论文 Yan Liu|Minjia Shi|Patrick Solé|
6 基于非线性主成分分析法的SWOT战略定位模型研究 期刊论文 孙超平|杨善林|施敏加|
7 含绝对值积分计算中的变量代换 期刊论文 施敏加|
8 MacWilliams Identities of Linear Codes over a MatrixRing with Respect to Rosenbloom-Tsfasman Metric 期刊论文 Dandan Wang|Minjia Shi|Yan Liu|
9 Cyclic codes and the weight enumerators of linear codes over F_2+vF_2+v^2F_2 期刊论文 Minjia Shi|Patrick Solé|Bo Wu|
10 Double cyclic codes over Fq + uFq + u2Fq 期刊论文 Ting Yao|Minjia Shi|Patrick Solé|
11 环Z_k上中国积码 期刊论文 唐永生|朱士信|施敏加|
12 MacWilliams Identities of Linear Codes with Respect to RT Metric over M-nxs(F_l + vF_l+ v^2F_l) 期刊论文 Minjia Shi|Yan Liu|Patrick Solé|
13 Construction of One-Lee Weight Codes over Fp+vFp+v^2Fp 期刊论文 Lou Chen|Minjia Shi|
14 环上线性码的Gray映射及其应用 期刊论文 高健|王现方|施敏加|符方伟|
15 A class of optimal p-ary codes from one-weight codes over F_p[u]/ 期刊论文 Minjia Shi|Shixin Zhu|Shanlin Yang|
16 具有有限内射维数的广义倾斜模(英文) 期刊论文 赵志兵|杜先能|
17 Optimal p-ary codes from one-weight and two-weight codes over Fp+vFp 期刊论文 Minjia Shi|Patrick Solé|
18 Optimal p-ary codes from one-weight linear codes over Z_p^m 期刊论文 Minjia Shi|
19 A note on a basic exact sequence for the Lee and Euclidean weights of linear codes over Z_l 期刊论文 Minjia Shi|Keusuke Shiromoto|Patrick Solé|
20 Construction of two-Lee weight codes over F_p+vF_p+v^2F_p 期刊论文 Lou Chen|Minjia Shi|
21 Construction of two-Lee weight codes over F_p + vF_p + v^2F_p 期刊论文 Minjia Shi|Lou Chen|
22 Skew cyclic codes over Fq+ uFq+ u2Fq 期刊论文 Shi, Minjia|Yao, Ting|Alahmadi, Adel|Solé Patrick|
23 Construction of One-Gray Weight Codes and Two-Gray Weight Codesover Z4+uZ4 期刊论文 Minjia Shi|Dandan Wang|Jian Gao|Bo Wu|
24 环Fp+uFp+vFp+uvFp上的二次剩余码 期刊论文 李倩倩|施敏加|葛茂荣|
25 Optimal p-ary codes from one-weight codes and two-weight codes over Fp+vFp 期刊论文 Minjia Shi|Patrick Solé|
26 环M_(n×s)(R_k)上线性码关于RT距离的MacWilliams恒等式(英文) 期刊论文 姚婷|施敏加|刘艳|
27 Optimal p-ary Codes from Constacyclic Codes over a Non-chain Ring R 期刊论文 Minjia Shi|
28 Notes on quasi-cyclic codes with cyclic constituentcodes 期刊论文 Minjia Shi|Yiping Zhang|Patrick Sole|
29 环F2+uF2+…+u k -1F2上常循环自对偶码 期刊论文 施敏加|
30 环F_2+μF_2+…+u~(k-1)F_2上常循环自对偶码 期刊论文 施敏加|
31 环F_p+vF_p+v~2F_p上线性码的各种重量计数器及其MacWilliams恒等式 期刊论文 施敏加|刘艳|
32 Construction of one-Lee weight and two-Lee weight codes over Fp+vFp 期刊论文 Minjia Shi|Yong Luo|Patrick Solé|
33 Skew cyclic codes over Fq + uFq + vFq + uvFq 期刊论文 Ting Yao|Minjia Shi|Patrick Solé|
34 Quasi-twisted codes with constacyclic constituent codes 期刊论文 Minjia Shi|Yiping Zhang|
35 Minimum linear complexity approximation of sequenceswith period q^n-1 over F_q 期刊论文 Minghui Yang|Dongdai Lin|Minjia Shi|
36 Optimal binary codes from one-lee weight codes and two-lee weight projective codes over Z_4 期刊论文 Minjia Shi|Yu Wang|
37 Linear codes over F3 + uF3 + u2F3: MacWilliamsidentities, optimal ternary codes from one-Lee weightcodes and two-Lee weight codes 期刊论文 Minjia Shi|Dandan Wang|Patrick Solé|