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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Morphology and morphogenesis of a new marine hypotrichous ciliate (Protozoa, Ciliophora, Pseudoamphisiellidae), including a report on the small subunit rRNA gene sequence. 期刊论文 宋微波|邵晨|AL-Rasheid K.|Warren A.|李俐琼|
2 Increased taxon sampling using both unidentified environmental sequences and identified cultures for microbial eukaryotes improves phylogenetic inference. 会议论文 Stoeck T.|伊珍珍|Dunthorn M.|宋微波|
3 Insights into the phylogeny of sporadotrichid ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora: Hypotricha) based on genealogical analyses of multiple molecular markers 会议论文 Al-Farraj S. A.|宋微波|胡晓燕|胡晓钟|AL-Rasheid K. A. S.|
4 A redescriptionofthemarinehypotrichousciliate, Nothoholosticha fasciola (Kahl, 1932)nov.gen.,nov.comb.(Ciliophora:Urostylida)with brief notesonitscellularreorganizationandSSrRNAgenesequence 期刊论文 胡晓钟|宋微波|Al-Rasheid K.|Warren A.|李俐琼|张倩倩|
5 Two New Diophrys-Like Genera and Their Type Species, Apodiophrys ovalis n. g.,n. sp. and Their Molecular Phylogeny 会议论文 姜佳枚|宋微波|
6 Description of the Rare Marine Ciliate, Uronychia multicirrus Song, 1997(Ciliophora; Euplotida) based on Morphology, Morphogenesis and SS rRNA Gene Sequence 期刊论文 沈卓|林晓凤|高珊|宋微波|邵晨|
7 Two novel marine Frontonia species, Frontonia mengi spec. nov. and Frontonia magna spec. nov. (Protozoa; Ciliophora), with notes on their phylogeny based on small-subunit rRNA gene sequence data 期刊论文 Al-Rasheid K. A. S.|Warren A.|范鑫鹏|陈相瑞|宋微波|
8 Two new marine ciliates, Euplotes sinicus sp. nov. and Euplotes parabalteatus sp. nov., and a new small subunit rRNA gene sequence of Euplotes rariseta (Ciliophora, Spirotrichea, Euplotida) 期刊论文 姜佳枚|宋微波|胡晓钟|邵晨|张倩倩|AL-Rasheid K.|
9 Taxonomic Characterization of Three Marine Peritrichous Ciliates from China : Zoothamnium alrasheidi spec. nov., Z. marinum Kahl, 1933 and Z.vermicola Precht, 1935 (Ciliophora: Peritrichia) 期刊论文 季道德|宋微波|许恒龙|Warren A.|Chio J.|
10 Phylogenetic consideration of two scuticociliate genera, Philasterides and Boveria (Protozoa, Ciliophora) based on 18S rRNA gene sequences 期刊论文 伊珍珍|高凤|宋微波|范新鹏|
11 The systematic position of Paraspathidium Noland, 1937 (Ciliophora, Litostomatea?) inferred from primary SSU rRNA gene sequences and predicted secondary rRNA structure 期刊论文 张倩倩|AL-Rasheid K.|伊珍珍|Warren A.|宋微波|
12 Protocruzia, a highly ambiguous ciliate (Protozoa; Ciliophora): very likely an ancestral form for Heterotrichea, Colpodea or Spirotrichea? With reevaluation of its evolutionary position based on multigene analyses. 期刊论文 李丽芳|宋微波|Thorsten S.|
13 Phylogenetic investigation on five genera of tintinnid ciliates (Ciliophora, Choreotrichia), based on the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences 期刊论文 杨金鹏|伊珍珍|Clamp J.|宋微波|李子聪|
14 青岛沿海六种自由生纤毛虫的形态学研究 期刊论文 姜勇|邵晨|王艳刚|胡晓钟|许恒龙|
15 Morphological studies on two marine colepid ciliates from Qingdao, China, Nolandia orientalis spec. nov. and Pinacocoleps similis (Kahl, 1933) comb. nov. (Ciliophora, Colepidae) 期刊论文 宋微波|龙红岸|王艳刚|Warren A.|陈旭淼|AL-Rasheid K.|
16 Morphology, morphogenesis and gene sequence of a freshwater ciliate, Pseudourostyla cristata (Ciliophora, Urostylida) from the ancient Lake Biwa, Japan. 会议论文 陈旭淼|胡晓钟|李子聪|Kusuoka Y.|
17 A New Genus of Marine Scuticociliate (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from Northern China , with a Brief Note on Its Phylogenetic Position Inferred from Small Subunit Ribosomal DNA Sequence Data 期刊论文 宋微波|Al-Rasheid K.A.S.|范鑫鹏|苗苗|
18 青岛沿海的自由生聚缩虫属纤毛虫(原生动物,纤毛门,缘毛目) 期刊论文 季道德|宋微波|
19 Taxonomic Studies on a New Marine Ciliate, Apocoleps magnus gen. nov., spec. nov. (Ciliophora, Colepidae),Isolated from Qingdao , China 期刊论文 宋微波|陈相瑞|Warren A. |
20 青岛沿海的自由生聚缩虫属纤毛虫(原生动物,纤毛门,缘毛目) 期刊论文 季道德|宋微波|
21 Phylogenetic positions and taxonomic assignments of the systematically controversial genera, Spirotrachelostyla, Uroleptopsis and Tunicothrix (Protozoa, Ciliophora, Stichotrichia) based on small subunit rRNA gene sequences 期刊论文 伊珍珍|AL-Fairraj S|黄洁|宋微波|
22 Description of Eurystomatella sinica n. gen., n. sp., with establishment of a new family Eurystomatellidae n. fam. (Protista, Ciliophora, Scuticociliatia) and analyses of its phylogeny inferred from sequences of the small-subunit rRNA gene. 期刊论文 王艳刚|Clamp J.|苗苗|宋微波|AL-Rasheid K.|
23 Reconsideration on the Phylogenetic Position of Epiclintes (Ciliophora, Stichotrichia) Based on SSrRNA Gene Sequence and Morphogenetic Data 期刊论文 胡晓钟|胡晓燕|K.A.S. Al-Rasheid|宋微波|
24 On four closely related hypotrichous ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora, Spirotrichea): molecular characters, interspecific relationships and phylogeny defined with multigene sequence information. Acta Oceanol 期刊论文 宋微波|陈子贵|AL-Rasheid-K|伊珍珍|高凤|
25 游仆目纤毛虫(纤毛门,旋唇纲)的分子系统学研究 期刊论文 郭文波|包振民|高珊|宋微波|
26 Morphological studies on two marine colepid ciliates from Qingdao, China, Nolandia orientalis spec. nov. and Pinacocoleps similis (Kahl, 1933) comb. nov. (Ciliophora, Colepidae) 期刊论文 宋微波|龙红岸|王艳刚|Warren A.|陈旭淼|AL-Rasheid K.|
27 Apogastrostyla rigescens (Kahl, 1932) gen. nov., comb. nov. (Ciliophora,Hypotricha): Morphology, Notes on Cell Division, SSU rRNA Gene Sequence Data, and Neotypification 期刊论文 宋微波|Berger H.|李俐琼|黄洁|
28 Molecular phylogeny of the scuticociliate, Philaster (Protozoa, Ciliophora),with a description of a new species,P. apodigitiformis sp. nov. 期刊论文 王艳刚|李俐琼|苗苗|宋微波|
29 Molecular phylogeny and species separation of five morphologically similar Holosticha-complex ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) using ARDRA riboprinting and multigene sequence data 期刊论文 高凤|宋微波|伊珍珍|龚俊|
30 Two new marine scuticociliates,sathrophilus planus n.sp and Pseudoplatynematum deng I n.sp,with improred definition of Pseudoplatynematum 期刊论文 陈相瑞|宋微波|范新鹏|Warren A.|AL-Rasheid K.|
31 Apogastrostyla rigescens (Kahl, 1932) gen. nov., comb. nov. (Ciliophora,Hypotricha): Morphology, Notes on Cell Division, SSU rRNA Gene Sequence Data, and Neotypification 期刊论文 宋微波|Berger H.|李俐琼|黄洁|
32 Morphology, morphogenesis and molecular phylogeny of a new marine urostylid ciliate (Ciliophora, Stichotrichia) from the South China Sea, and an overview of the convergent evolution of midventral complex within the Spirotrichea 期刊论文 刘炜炜|龚俊|林晓风|宋微波|邵晨|
33 青岛沿海六种自由生纤毛虫的形态学研究 期刊论文 姜勇|邵晨|王艳刚|胡晓钟|许恒龙|
34 Morphology, morphogenesis and molecular phylogeny of a new marine urostylid ciliate (Ciliophora, Stichotrichia) from the South China Sea, and an overview of the convergent evolution of midventral complex within the Spirotrichea 期刊论文 刘炜炜|龚俊|林晓风|宋微波|邵晨|
35 Parabirojimia multinucleata spec. nov. and Anteholosticha scutellum (Cohn, 1866) Berger, 2003, two marine ciliates (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida) from tropical waters in southern China, with note on their SSU rRNA gene sequences. 期刊论文 陈相瑞|宋微波|林晓凤|龚俊|邵晨|Warren A.|Al-Rasheid K.|
36 Description of Paratetrahymena parawassi n. sp. using morphological and molecular evidence and a phylogenetic analysis of Paratetrahymena and other taxonomically ambiguous genera in the order Loxocephalida (Ciliophora, Oligohymenophorea). 期刊论文 Clamp J.|AL-Rasheid K.|张倩倩|范新鹏|宋微波|
37 Morphology and SSU rRNA gene-based phylogeny of two marine Euplotes species, E. orientalis spec. nov. and E. raikovi Agamaliev, 1966 (Ciliophora, Euplotida). 会议论文 宋微波|张倩倩|Warren A.|姜佳枚|
38 Description of Paratetrahymena parawassi n. sp. using morphological and molecular evidence and a phylogenetic analysis of Paratetrahymena and other taxonomically ambiguous genera in the order Loxocephalida (Ciliophora, Oligohymenophorea). 期刊论文 Clamp J.|AL-Rasheid K.|张倩倩|范新鹏|宋微波|
39 Molecular phylogeny of oligotrich genera Omegastrombidium and Novistrombidium (Protozoa, Ciliophora), with consideration of the systematical relationships within family Strombidiidae. 期刊论文 张倩倩|宋微波|伊珍珍|徐大鹏|龚俊|
40 On four closely related hypotrichous ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora, Spirotrichea): molecular characters, interspecific relationships and phylogeny defined with multigene sequence information. Acta Oceanol 期刊论文 宋微波|陈子贵|AL-Rasheid-K|伊珍珍|高凤|