
  • 中英文摘要
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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Speed identification of ultrasonic motors using wavelets-Elman neural network based on artificial immune algorithm 会议论文 梁艳春|
2 一种多功能笔式鼠标 专利 梁艳春; 吴春国
3 带个体差异的蚁群算法的应用 期刊论文 孔英|时小虎|王建|裴志利|梁艳春|
4 Parameter selection of support vector regression based on a novel chaotic immune algorithm 会议论文 梁艳春|
5 群智能优化算法理论与应用 专著 梁艳春|
6 A modified particle swarm optimization-based dynamic recurrent neural network for identifying and controlling nonlinear systems 期刊论文 Ge, Hong-Wei|Liang, Yan-Chun|Marchese, Maurizio|
7 Improved bacterial foraging algorithms and their applications to job shop scheduling problems 会议论文 梁艳春|
8 An improved apriori algorithm for financial high frequency data 会议论文 梁艳春|
9 Microarray data feature selection and optimization of the number of neighbors for classifying human cancers using genetic algorithms 会议论文 梁艳春|
10 A multi-gene-feature-based genetic algorithm for prediction of operon 会议论文 梁艳春|
11 An ant colony optimization method for generalized TSP problem 期刊论文 梁艳春|
12 A populations evolution study using the genotype frequency data of single nucleotide polymorphism from Y-chromosome. 会议论文 梁艳春|
13 Solving traveling salesman problems using generalized chromosome genetic algorithm 期刊论文 Lee, Heow Pueh|Liang, Yanchun|Wu, Chunguo|Yang, Jinhui|
14 整合Dmoz和Yahoo标签的BNF文法及其实现 期刊论文 姜冶|管仁初|梁艳春|
15 A survey on recent patents of biological pathway based on computational methods 期刊论文 梁艳春|
16 An ant colony optimization. method for prize-collecting traveling salesman problem with time windows 会议论文 梁艳春|
17 Incorporating biological knowledge into density-based clustering analysis of gene expression data 会议论文 梁艳春|
18 GA-based online support vector machine and its application to daily maximal air temperature forecasting 会议论文 梁艳春|
19 A novel LS-SVMs hyper-parameter selection based on particle swarm optimization 期刊论文 梁艳春|
20 A method of gene-function annotation based on variable precision rough sets 期刊论文 梁艳春|
21 A fuzzy-statistics-based principal component analysis (FS-PCA) method for multispectral image enhancement and display 期刊论文 梁艳春|
22 基于GPGP协同机制的多Agent车间调度方法研究 期刊论文 梁艳春|马鑫|
23 An enhanced text categorization method based on improved text frequency approach and mutual information algorithm 期刊论文 Marchese, Maurizio|Liang Yanchun|Pei Zhili|Shi Xiaohu|
24 Canonical Huffman code based full-text index 期刊论文 Liang, Yanchun|Zhang, Yi|Pei, Zhili|Yang, Jinhui|
25 Identification and control of nonlinear systems by a dissimilation particle swarm optimization-based Elman neural network 期刊论文 Du, Wen-li|Liang, Yan-Chun|Ge, Hong-Wei|Wang, Lu|Qian, Feng|
26 Operon prediction using neural network based on multiple information of log-likelihoods 会议论文 梁艳春|
27 一种基于免疫粒子群算法的超声电机控制方法 专利 梁艳春
28 A point interpolation method with least square strain field (PIM-LSS) for solution bounds and ultra-accurate solutions using triangular mesh 期刊论文 Zhang, G. Y.|Xu, X.|Liu, G. R.|
29 小世界联接对神经网络稳定性的影响 期刊论文 梁艳春|
30 Clonal selection based memetic algorithm for job shop scheduling problems 期刊论文 Sun, Liang|Lee, Heow Pueh|Yang, Jin-hui|Qian, Yun|Liang, Yan-chun|
31 Particle swarm optimization-based algorithms for TSP and generalized TSP 期刊论文 Shi XH|梁艳春|Lu C|Lee HP|Wang QX|
32 An improved fuzzy neural network for ultrasonic motors control 会议论文 梁艳春|
33 An improved biclustering method of Cheng-Church algorithm 会议论文 梁艳春|
34 A multi-approaches-guided genetic algorithm with application to operon prediction 期刊论文 Liang, Yanchun|Wang, Xiumei|Du, Wei|Sun, Fangxun|Wang, Shuqin|Zhou, Chunguang|Wang, Yan|
35 Effects of the shortcut connection on the dynamics of a delayed ring neural network 会议论文 Xu, X.|Liang, Y.C.|
36 Improved quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm and its application to 3-SAT problems 会议论文 梁艳春|
37 基于神经网络的滚动时域优化控制 期刊论文 任怀庆|梁艳春|孙亮|
38 The text categorization method based on improved mutual information and characteristic weights evaluation algorithms 会议论文 梁艳春|
39 Algorithm for disease association studies using functionally informative haplotype motif 会议论文 梁艳春|
40 A time synchronization algorithm based on hierarchy broadcasting for wireless sensor networks 会议论文 梁艳春|
41 基于GA与SVM的混合算法在电能质量扰动分类问题中的应用 期刊论文 孙亮|梁艳春|
42 An extended Galerkin weak form and a point interpolation method with continuous strain field and superconvergence using triangular mesh 期刊论文 Xu, X.|Gu, Y. T.|Liu, G. R.|Zhang, G. Y.|
43 Time delay neural network for dynamical system control 期刊论文 Xu, Xu|Liang, Yan-Chun|Ge, Hong-Wei|
44 若干仿生计算技术及应用研究 奖励 李正光|吴春国|苏承慧|梁艳春|时小虎|张禹|孙延风|周柚|周春光|李瑛|杨金辉|徐旭|
45 Effects of small world connection on the dynamics of a delayed ring network 期刊论文 Wang, Z. H.|Xu, X.|
46 Complicated dynamics of a ring neural network with time delays 期刊论文 Xu, Xu|
47 A superconvergent point interpolation method (SC-PIM) with piecewise linear strain field using triangular mesh 期刊论文 Liu, G. R.|Xu, X.|Zhang, G. Y.|Nguyen-Thoi, T.|
48 基于粒子群与模拟退火算法的板材优化下料 期刊论文 宋初一|包奇金宝|梁艳春|姜静清|
49 Identification and control of nonlinear systems by a time-delay recurrent neural network 会议论文 Qian, Feng|Ge, Hong-Wei|Du, Wen-Li|Liang, Yan-Chun|
50 An incremental affinity propagation algorithm and its applications for text clustering 会议论文 Wang, L.P.|Shi, X.H.|Guan, R.C.|Pei, Z.L.|Liang, Y.C.|
51 Content determination by pso-based Ls-SVM regression 会议论文 Guo, X.C.|Liang, Y.C.|Wu, C.G.|
52 SOM2W and RBF neural network-based hybrid models and their applications to new share pricing 会议论文 梁艳春|
53 An effective PSO and AIS-based hybrid intelligent algorithm for job-shop scheduling 期刊论文 Sun, Liang|Ge, Hong-Wei|Qian, Feng|Liang, Yan-Chun|
54 智能计算建模及应用研究 奖励 张弘|吴春国|李瑛|梁艳春|黄艳新|王喆|周柚|徐旭|刘桂霞|邹淑雪|张维天|张利彪|时小虎|丰小月|卢奕南|
55 Data preprocessing in SVM-based keywords extraction from scientific documents 会议论文 梁艳春|
56 Methods for labeling error detection in microarrays based on the effect of data perturbation on the regression model 期刊论文 Zhang, Chen|Blanzieri, Enrico|Wu, Chunguo|Du, Wei|Zhou, You|Liang, Yanchun|Wang, Yan|
57 Quantum evolutionary combinatorial algorithm for optimal problems 会议论文 梁艳春|
58 Operon prediction by GRNN based on log-likelihoods and wavelet transform, Dynamics of Continuous 会议论文 梁艳春|
59 Local and global Hopf bifurcation in a two-neuron network with multiple delays 期刊论文 Xu, Xu|
60 A novel approach for classifying human cancers 会议论文 梁艳春|
61 A time delay neural network for dynamical system control 会议论文 Liang, Y.C.|Wang, L.K.|Xu, X.|Wan, L.M.|Wang, X.L.|