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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 基于小角X射线散射技术研究再生丝素蛋白体系的方法 期刊论文 胡学超|田丰|李秀宏|王劼|
2 Urethral reconstruction with a 3D porous bacterial cellulose scaffold seeded with lingual keratinocytes in a rabbit model 期刊论文 Wei-Dong Zhu|Shi-Yan Chen|Hua-Ping Wang|Yue-Min Xu|
3 Silk fibroin tissue engineering scaffolds with aligned electrospun fibers in multiple layers 期刊论文 Wang, Hongsheng|Xu, Yuemin|Shao, Huili|Zhang, Yaopeng|
4 Tissue Performance ofBladder following Stretched Electrospun Silk Fibroin Matrix and BladderAcellular Matrix implantation in a Rabbit Model 期刊论文 A. Atala|Q. Fu|Y. Zhan|L. Song|
5 静电纺丝素蛋白纤维毡在乙醇水溶液中的拉伸后处理 期刊论文 范苏娜|张耀鹏|邵惠丽|
6 BladderAcellular Matrix Graft Reinforced Silk Fibroin Composite Scaffolds Loaded VEGFwith Aligned Electrospun Fibers in Multiple Layers 期刊论文 L. Song|H. Shao|M. Xie|Y. Zhang|
7 Tissue-engineered buccal mucosa using silk fibroin matrices for urethral reconstruction in a canine model 期刊论文 Song, Lujie|Wang, Jihong|Lv, Xiangguo|Zhang, Yaopeng|
8 Preparation of regenerated silk fibroin/silk sericin fibers by coaxial electrospinning 期刊论文 Yaopeng Zhang|Yuan Jin|Huili Shao|Xuechao Hu|
9 Evaluation of stretched electrospun silk fibroin matrices seeded with urothelial cells for urethra reconstruction 期刊论文 Jihiong Wang|Suna Fan|Yaopeng Zhang|Yuemin Xu|
10 1) Comparative study of different seeding methods based on amultilayerSIS scaffold: Which is the optimalprocedure for urethral tissueengineering? 期刊论文 Jian-Wen Huang|Min-Kai Xie|Anthony Atala|Wei-Xin Zhao|
11 Effects of Multiple Agents on Epithelial Differentiation of Rabbit Adipose-Derived Stem Cells in 3D Culture 期刊论文 Li, Hongbin|Xu, Yuemin|Fu, Qiang|Li, Chao|
12 A simple process for dry spinning of regenerated silk fibroin aqueous solution 期刊论文 Yuan Jin|Yaopeng Zhang|,Yichun Hang|Huili Shao|
13 Significantly Reinforced Composite Fibers Electrospun from Silk Fibroin/Carbon Nanotube Aqueous Solutions 期刊论文 Shao, Huili|Hu, Xuechao|Xu, Yuemin|Feng, Chao|
14 Epithelial-Differentiated Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Seeded Bladder Acellular Matrix Grafts for Urethral Reconstruction: An Animal Model 期刊论文 Zhang, Qin|Xie, Minkai|Wang, Ying|Lv, Xiangguo|
15 Evaluation of stretched electrospun silk fibroin matrices seeded with urothelial cells for urethra reconstruction 期刊论文 Wang, Jihong|Fan, Suna|Zhang, Yaopeng|Xu, Yuemin|
16 In vitro studies on the structure and properties of silk fibroin aqueous solutions in silkworm 期刊论文 Jie Luo|Yaopeng Zhang|Huili Shao|Xuechao Hu|
17 丝素蛋白材料在组织工程中的新进展 期刊论文 谢敏凯|徐月敏|
18 Curcumin induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis of prostate cancer cells by regulating the expression of I kappa B alpha, c-Jun and androgen receptor 期刊论文 Xu, Yue-Min|Ye, Zhang-Qun|Yu, Jian-Hua|Hu, Xiao-Yong|
19 Tough and VEGF-releasing scaffolds composed of artificial silkfibroin mats and natural acellular matrix 期刊论文 H. Wang|H. Shao|M. Xie|Y. Zhang|
20 Tunable Structures and Properties of Electrospun Regenerated Silk Fibroin Mats Annealed in Water Vapor at Different Times and Temperatures 期刊论文 Shao, Huili|Hu, Xuechao|Xie, Minkai|Xu, Yuemin|
21 Preliminary experimental study of urethral reconstruction with tissue engineering and RNA interference techniques 期刊论文 Li, Chao|Xu, Yue-Min|Li, Hong-Bin|