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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Functional Gene Diversity and Metabolic Potential of the Microbial Community in an Estuary-Shelf Environment 期刊论文 Wang Yu;Zhang Rui;He Zhili;Van Nostrand Joy D;Zheng Qiang;Zhou Jizhong;Jiao Nianzhi
2 Advanced experimental approaches to marine water-column biogeochemical processes 期刊论文 Legendre Louis;Rivkin Richard B;Jiao Nianzhi
3 Microbial D-amino acids and marine carbon storage 期刊论文 Zhang ZiLian;Zheng Qiang;Jiao NianZhi
4 中国边缘海环境中GDGT的研究进展 期刊论文 葛黄敏;张传伦
5 High occurrence of Bathyarchaeota (MCG) in the deep-sea sediments of South China Sea quantified using newly designed PCR primers 期刊论文 Yu Tiantian;Liang Qianyong;Niu Mingyang;Wang Fengping
6 Differential incorporation of one-carbon substrates among microbial populations identified by stable isotope probing from the estuary to South China Sea 期刊论文 Deng Wenchao;Peng Lulu;Jiao Nianzhi;Zhang Yao
7 Climate tipping-point potential and paradoxical production of methane in a changing ocean 期刊论文 Dang HY;Li Jia
8 The Two Sets of DMSO Respiratory Systems of Shewanella piezotolerans WP3 Are Involved in Deep Sea Environmental Adaptation 期刊论文 Xiong Lei;Jian Huahua;Zhang Yuxia;Xiao Xiang
9 Marine Group II Archaea, potentially important players in the global ocean carbon cycle 期刊论文 Zhang Chuanlun L;Xie Wei;Martin Cuadrado Ana Belen;Rodriguez Valera Francisco
10 Sea surface temperature variation during the last deglaciation in the southern Okinawa Trough: Modulation of high latitude teleconnections and the Kuroshio Current 期刊论文 Zhao Jingtao;Li Jun;Cai Feng;Wei Helong;Hu Bangqi;Dou Yanguang;Wang Libo;Xiang Rong;Cheng Hongwei;Dong Liang;Zhang Chuanlun L
11 Microbial Surface Colonization and Biofilm Development in Marine Environments 期刊论文 Dang Hongyue;Lovell Charles R
12 微型生物在海洋碳储库及气候变化中的作用 奖励 焦念志;张瑶;骆庭伟;张锐;郑强
13 Evolving paradigms in biological carbon cycling in the ocean 期刊论文 Zhang Chuanlun;Dang Hongyue;Azam Farooq;Benner Ronald;Legendre Louis;Passow Uta;Polimene Luca;Robinson Carol;Suttle Curtis A.;Jiao Nianzhi
14 Ubiquity and Diversity of Heterotrophic Bacterial nasA Genes in Diverse Marine Environments 期刊论文 Jiang Xuexia;Dang Hongyue;Jiao Nianzhi
15 第二届全国高校微课教学比赛特别奖 奖励 焦念志
16 Phylogenetic Diversity of T4-Type Phages in Sediments from the Subtropical Pearl River Estuary 期刊论文 He Maoqiu;Cai Lanlan;Zhang Chuanlun;Jiao Nianzhi;Zhang Rui
17 近海生态系统碳汇过程、调控机制及增汇模式 期刊论文 张瑶;赵美训;崔球;樊炜;齐家国;陈鹰;张永雨;高坤山;樊景凤;汪光义;严重玲;卢豪良;罗亚威;张子莲;郑强;肖伟;焦念志
18 Evolving paradigms in biological carbon cycling in the ocean 期刊论文 Zhang Chuanlun;Dang Hongyue;Azam Farooq;Benner Ronald;Legendre Louis;Passow Uta;Polimene Luca;Robinson Carol;Suttle Curtis;Jiao Nianzhi
19 Changes in community structure of active protistan assemblages from the lower Pearl River to coastal Waters of the South China Sea 期刊论文 Li Ran;Jiao Nianzhi;Warren Alan;Xu Dapeng
20 Diversity and Metabolic Potentials of Subsurface Crustal Microorganisms from the Western Flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 期刊论文 Zhang Xinxu;Fong Xiaoyuan;Wang Fengping
21 A Modified SDS-Based DNA Extraction Method for High Quality Environmental DNA from Seafloor Environments 期刊论文 Natarajan Vengadesh Perumal;Zhang Xinxu;Morono Yuki;Inagaki Fumio;Wang Fengping
22 首届全国创新争先奖 奖励 焦念志
23 Nitrogen Stimulates the Growth of Subsurface Basalt-associated Microorganisms at the Western Flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 期刊论文 Zhang Xinxu;Fang Jing;Bach Wolfgang;Edwards Katrina J.;Orcutt Beth N.;Wang Fengping
24 Growth of sedimentary Bathyarchaeota on lignin as an energy source 期刊论文 Yu Tiantian;Wu Weichao;Liang Wenyue;Lever Mark Alexander;Hinrichs Kai Uwe;Wang Fengping
25 Environmental factors shaping the archaeal community structure and ether lipid distribution in a subtropic river and estuary, China 期刊论文 Guo Wenting;Xie Wei;Li Xueying;Wang Peng;Hu Anyi;Zhang Chuanlun L
26 Processes of coastal ecosystem carbon sequestration and approaches for increasing carbon sink 期刊论文 Zhang Yao;Zhao MeiXun;Cui Qiu;Fan Wei;Qi JiaGuo;Chen Ying;Zhang YongYu;Gao KunShan;Fan JingFeng;Wang GuangYi;Yan ChongLing;Lu HaoLiang;Luo YaWei;Zhang ZiLian;Zheng Qiang;Xiao Wei;Jiao NianZhi
27 Ecosystem of the cold seep in South China Sea 专著 Mingyang Niu;Qianyong Liang;Dong Feng;Fenping Wang
28 Localized high abundance of Marine Group II archaea in the subtropical Pearl River Estuary: implications for their niche adaptation 期刊论文 Xie Wei;Luo Haiwei;Murugapiran Senthil K;Dodsworth Jeremy A;Chen Songze;Sun Ying;Hedlund Brian P;Wang Peng;Fang Huaying;Deng Minghua;Zhang Chuanlun L
29 Carbon pools and fluxes in the China Seas and adjacent oceans 期刊论文 Jiao Nianzhi;Liang Yantao;Zhang Yongyu;Liu Jihua;Zhang Yao;Zhang Rui;Zhao Meixun;Dai Minhan;Zhai Weidong;Gao Kunshan;Song Jinming;Yuan Dongliang;Li Chao;Lin Guanghui;Huang Xiaoping;Yan Hongqiang;Hu Limin;Zhang Zenghu;Wang Long;Cao Chunjie;Luo Yawei;Luo Tingwei;Wang Nannan;Dang Hongyue;Wang Dongxiao;Zhang Si
30 Genome sequence of Acuticoccus yangtzensis JL1095T (DSM 28604T) isolated from the Yangtze Estuary 期刊论文 Hou Lei;Sun Jia;Xie Xiabing;Jiao Nianzhi;Zhang Yao
31 Linking biochemical properties of particles to particle-attached and free-living bacterial community structure along the particle density gradient from freshwater to open ocean 期刊论文 Zhang Yao;Xiao Wei;Jiao Nianzhi
32 Methane biotransformation in the ocean and its effects on climate change: A review 期刊论文 Niu Mingyang;Liang Wenyue;Wang Fengping
33 The Fate of Marine Bacterial Exopolysaccharide in Natural Marine Microbial Communities 期刊论文 Zhang Zilian;Chen Yi;Wang Rui;Cai Ruanhong;Fu Yingnan;Jiao Nianzhi
34 Untangling the role that microbes play in ocean carbon cyclea"EuroA new paradigm in marine biogeochemistry 期刊论文 Zhang ChuanLun
35 Unveiling the enigma of refractory carbon in the ocean 期刊论文 Jiao Nianzhi;Cai Ruanhong;Zheng Qiang;Tang Kai;Liu Jihua;Jiao Fanglue;Wallace Douglas;Chen Feng;Li Chao;Amann Rudolf;Benner Ronald;Azam Farooq
36 中国近海二氧化碳通量遥感监测与示范系统 奖励 白雁;戴民汉;何贤强;项有堂;刘仁义;何宜军;周斌;张远辉;乔然;陈艳拢;于培松;朱乾坤;黄海清;陶邦一;龚芳
37 Environmental Conditions Outweigh Geographical Contiguity in Determining the Similarity of nifH-Harboring Microbial Communities in Sediments of Two Disconnected Marginal Seas 期刊论文 Zhou Haixia;Dang Hongyue;Klotz Martin G
38 Carbon fluxes in the China Seas: An overview and perspective 期刊论文 Qian LIU;Xianghui GUO;Zhiqiang YIN;Kuanbo ZHOU;Elliott Gareth ROBERTS;Minhan DAI
39 微型生物碳泵——海洋生物地球化学研究的新模式 期刊论文 张传伦
40 Methane-metabolizing microbial communities in sediments of the Haima cold seep area, northwest slope of the South China Sea 期刊论文 Niu Mingyang;Fan Xibei;Zhuang Guangchao;Liang Qianyong;Wang Fengping
41 Comment on %26quot;Dilution limits dissolved organic carbon utilization in the deep ocean%26quot; 期刊论文 Jiao Nianzhi;Legendre Louis;Robinson Carol;Thomas Helmuth;Luo Ya Wei;Dang Hongyue;Liu Jihua;Zhang Rui;Tang Kai;Luo Tingwei;Li Chao;Wang Xiaoxue;Zhang Chuanlun
42 Modelling marine DOC degradation time scales 期刊论文 Polimene Luca;Rivkin Richard B.;Luo Ya-Wei;Kwon Eun Young;Gehlen Marion;Pena M. Angelica;Wang Nannan;Liang Yantao;Kaartokallio Hermanni;Jiao Nianzhi
43 Bathyarchaeota: globally distributed metabolic generalists in anoxic environments 期刊论文 Zhou Zhichao;Pan Jie;Wang Fengping;Gu Ji Dong;Li Meng
44 Isolation and characterization of the first phage infecting ecologically important marine bacteria Erythrobacter 期刊论文 Lu Longfei;Cai Lanlan;Jiao Nianzhi;Zhang Rui
45 Evaluation of Tangential Flow Filtration for the Concentration and Separation of Bacteria and Viruses in Contrasting Marine Environments 期刊论文 Cai Lanlan;Yang Yunlan;Jiao Nianzhi;Zhang Rui
46 Bio-Organic Geochemistry research in China: Advances,opportunities and challenges 期刊论文 Chuanlun ZHANG;Ping'an PENG;Meixun ZHAO;Shucheng XIE;Jianfang CHEN;Weiguo LIU
47 Contribution of structural recalcitrance to the formation of the deep oceanic dissolved organic carbon reservoir 期刊论文 Wang Nannan;Luo Ya-Wei;Polimene Luca;Zhang Rui;Zheng Qiang;Cai Ruanhong;Jiao Nianzhi
48 Inspirations from the scientific discovery of the anammox bacteria: A classic example of how scientific principles can guide discovery and development 期刊论文 Dang HongYue;Huang RongFang;Jiao NianZhi
49 A Novel Exopolysaccharide with Metal Adsorption Capacity Produced by a Marine Bacterium Alteromonas sp JL2810 期刊论文 Zhang Zilian;Cai Ruanhong;Zhang Wenhui;Fu Yingnan;Jiao Nianzhi
50 A Virus Infecting Marine Photoheterotrophic Alphaproteobacteria (Citromicrobium spp.) Defines a New Lineage of ssDNA Viruses 期刊论文 Zheng Qiang;Chen Qi;Xu Yongle;Suttle Curtis A.;Jiao Nianzhi
51 A Long-Standing Complex Tropical Dipole Shapes Marine Microbial Biogeography. 期刊论文 Yan Wei;Zhang Rui;Jiao Nianzhi
52 Complete Genome Sequence of the D-Amino Acid Catabolism Bacterium Phaeobacter sp. Strain JL2886, Isolated from Deep Seawater of the South China Sea 期刊论文 Fu Yingnan;Wang Rui;Zhang Zilian;Jiao Nianzhi
53 Picocyanobacteria and deep-ocean fluorescent dissolved organic matter share similar optical properties 期刊论文 Zhao Zhao;Gonsior Michael;Luek Jenna;Timko Stephen;Ianiri Hope;Hertkorn Norbert;Schmitt Kopplin Philippe;Fang Xiaoting;Zeng Qinglu;Jiao Nianzhi;Chen Feng
54 Examining N cycling in the northern South China Sea from N isotopic signals in nitrate and particulate phases 期刊论文 Yang Jin Yu Terence;Kao Shuh Ji;Dai Minhan;Yan Xiuli;Lin Hui Ling
55 A Novel Roseosiphophage Isolated from the Oligotrophic South China Sea 期刊论文 Yang Yunlan;Cai Lanlan;Ma Ruijie;Xu Yongle;Tong Yigang;Huang Yong;Jiao Nianzhi;Zhang Rui
56 A nearly uniform distributional pattern of heterotrophic bacteria in the Mariana Trench interior 期刊论文 Tian Jiwei;Fan Lu;Liu H.D.;Liu J.;Li Y.;Qin Q.;Gong Z.;Chen H.T.;Sun Z.B.;Zou L;Wang X.;Xu H.;Bartlett D.;Wang M.;Zhang Y.Z.;Zhang X.H.;Zhang C.L
57 Biological reduction of structural Fe(III) in smectites by a marine bacterium at 0.1 and 20 MPa 期刊论文 Liu Deng;Wang Fengping;Dong Hailiang;Wang Hongmei;Zhao Linduo;Huang Liuqin;Wu Lingling
58 Marine Group II Dominates Planktonic Archaea in Water Column of the Northeastern South China Sea 期刊论文 Liu Haodong;Zhang Chuanlun L;Yang Chunyan;Chen Songze;Cao Zhiwei;Zhang Zhiwei;Tian Jiwei
59 Niche differentiation of ammonia and nitrite oxidizers along a salinity gradient from the Pearl River estuary to the South China Sea 期刊论文 Hou Lei;Xie Xiabing;Wan Xianhui;Kao Shuh Ji;Jiao Nianzhi;Zhang Yao
60 Genomic, physiologic, and proteomic insights into metabolic versatility in Roseobacter clade bacteria isolated from deep-sea water 期刊论文 Tang Kai;Yang Yujie;Lin Dan;Li Shuhui;Zhou Wenchu;Han Yu;Liu Keshao;Jiao Nianzhi
61 美国微生物科学院院士 奖励 焦念志
62 D1FHS, the Type Strain of the Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacterium Nitrosococcus wardiae spec. nov.: Enrichment, Isolation, Phylogenetic, and Growth Physiological Characterization 期刊论文 Wang Lin;Lim Chee Kent;Dang Hongyue;Hanson Thomas E;Klotz Martin G
63 Co-existence of freshwater and marine T4-like myoviruses in a typical subtropical estuary 期刊论文 Liu Lu;Cai Lanlan;Zhang Rui
64 Advances in GDGT research in Chinese marginal seas: A review 期刊论文 Ge HuangMin;Zhang ChuanLun
65 Complete genome sequence of Paracoccus marcusii phage vB_PmaS-R3 isolated from the South China Sea 期刊论文 Xu Yongle;Zhang Rui;Jiao Nianzhi
66 The research of typical microbial functional group reveals a new oceanic carbon sequestration mechanism-A case of innovative method promoting scientific discovery 期刊论文 Zhang Fei;Liu JiHua;Li Qiang;Zou LiJie;Zhang Yao
67 Prochlorococcus viruses—From biodiversity to biogeochemical cycles 期刊论文 Xilin Xiao;Qinglu Zeng;Rui Zhang;Nianzhi Jiao
68 Ecological Energetic Perspectives on Responses of Nitrogen-Transforming Chemolithoautotrophic Microbiota to Changes in the Marine Environment 期刊论文 Dang Hongyue;Chen Chen Tung A
69 中国海及邻近区域碳库与通量综合分析 期刊论文 焦念志;梁彦韬;张永雨;刘纪化;张瑶;张锐;赵美训;戴民汉;翟惟东;高坤山;宋金明;袁东亮;李超;林光辉;黄小平;严宏强;胡利民;张增虎;王龙;曹纯洁;罗亚威;骆庭伟;王南南;党宏月;王东晓;张偲
70 The spatial distribution of archaeal lipids in a mesoscale subtropical watershed, Southeast China 期刊论文 Li XueYing;Zheng FengFeng;Chen YuFei;Guo WenTing;Zhang TingTing;Hu AnYi;Yu ChangPing;Zhang ChuanLun
71 Untangling the role that microbes play in ocean carbon cyclea"EuroA new paradigm in marine biogeochemistry 期刊论文 Zhang ChuanLun
72 Methane-metabolizing microbial communities in sediments of the Haima cold seep area, northwest slope of the South China Sea 期刊论文 Niu Mingyang;Fan Xibei;Zhuang Guangchao;Liang Qianyong;Wang Fengping
73 A Novel Roseosiphophage Isolated from the Oligotrophic South China Sea 期刊论文 Yang Yunlan;Cai Lanlan;Ma Ruijie;Xu Yongle;Tong Yigang;Huang Yong;Jiao Nianzhi;Zhang Rui
74 Marine Group II Dominates Planktonic Archaea in Water Column of the Northeastern South China Sea 期刊论文 Liu Haodong;Zhang Chuanlun L;Yang Chunyan;Chen Songze;Cao Zhiwei;Zhang Zhiwei;Tian Jiwei