REBCO 液相外延膜的取向控制及生长机理和物理性能研究

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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Preferential Growth and Peculiar Interfacial Atomic Configuration of the YBCO Liquid-Phase Epitaxial Film with 45 degrees In-Plane Alignment 期刊论文 Wang, Xuan|Cai, Yan Q.|Yan, Shi B.|Li, Fang H.|Tang, Chen Y.|Wan, Wei|Yao, Xin|Jirsa, Milos|Xiong, Jie|Tao, Bo W.|
2 Growth and superconductivity of REBCO bulk processed by a seed/buffer layer/precursor construction 期刊论文 Ikuta, H.|Yoshida, Y.|Yao, X.|Yan, S. B.|Cheng, L.|Li, T. Y.|Sun, L. J.|
3 Melt-textured growth of (LRE)-Ba-Cu-O by a cold-seeding method using SmBa2Cu3Oy thin film as a seed 期刊论文 Yoshida, Y.|Oda, M.|Ikuta, H.|Yao, X.|
4 Crystallographic Axis Transition of Sm1+xBa2-xCu3O7-delta Film Prepared by Liquid Phase Epitaxy (LPE) 期刊论文 Tang, Chen Y.|Li, Wei|Jirsa, Milos|Cai, Yan Q.|Yao, Xin|Sun, Li J.|
5 Differences in the thermal stability of REBa2Cu 3O7-x (RE = Y, Nd) thin films investigated by high temperature in situ observation and melt-texture growth 期刊论文 Li, T.Y.|Cheng, L.|Sun, L.J.|Yan, S.B.|Yao, X.|
6 Effect of Micro-Phase Separation on Magnetic Response in Pr-Doping YBa2Cu3O7-delta Single Crystals 期刊论文 Zhang, Jincang|Jin, Gang|Yao, Xin|Cao, Shixun|Cai, Chuanbing|Qin, Zhengping|
7 Multiseeded melt growth of bulk Y-Ba-Cu-O using thin film seeds 期刊论文 Cardwell, D. A.|Wang, C. L.|Li, T. Y.|Xu, X. Y.|Li, C. S.|Yan, S. B.|Xiong, J.|Cheng, L.|Yao, X.|Sun, L. J.|Tao, B. W.|Feng, J. Q.|
8 Magnetic Quantum Oscillations in YBa2Cu3O6.(61) and YBa2Cu3O6.69 in Fields of Up to 85 T: Patching the Hole in the Roof of the Superconducting Dome 期刊论文 McDonald, R. D.|Altarawneh, Moaz|Mielke, C. H.|Singleton, John|Rickel, Dwight|Franke, Isabel|Li, Shiliang|de la Cruz, Clarina|Goddard, Paul|Dai, Pengcheng|Yao, Xin|
9 Irreversibility line and anisotropy of SmBa(2)Cu(3)O(7-delta) with varying oxygen content 期刊论文 Tang, C. Y.|Yao, X.|Kortyka, A.|Wisniewski, A.|Weber, H. W.|Puzniak, R.|Conder, K.|
10 Oxygen partial pressure effect on the thermal stability of Nd-123 superconductor thin films 期刊论文 Yan, S.B.|Cheng, L.|Chen, Y.Y.|Yao, X.|
11 Effect of Pr doping on the growth and superconducting properties of (Y1-xPrx)Ba2Cu3O7-delta 期刊论文 Xu, X. Q.|Yang, C. X.|Yao, X.|Cai, Y. Q.|Kortyka, A.|Xu, S.|Puzniak, R.|
12 Enhancement of YBCO Thin Film Thermal Stability under 1 ATM Oxygen Pressure by Intermediate Cu2O Nanolayer 期刊论文 Li, F. H.|Cheng, L.|Jirsa, M.|Yao, X.|Wang, X.|Wan, W.|Xiong, J.|Tao, B. W.|
13 面内和面外取向对RBa_2Cu_3O_z薄膜热稳定性影响的研究 期刊论文 姚忻|汤晨毅|王璇|许雪芹|程玲|
14 Superconducting state parameters, pinning centres and their effectiveness for Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-delta single crystals with low Pr contents 期刊论文 Kortyka, A.|Cai, Y. Q.|Doyle, T. B.|Wisniewski, A.|Yao, X.|Puzniak, R.|Weber, H. W.|
15 氧气氛控制钇钡铜氧超导厚膜面内取向生长的制备方法 专利 姚忻; 蔡衍卿
16 Enhanced Growth Rate of a YBCO Bulk in the Melt-Textured Process Under 1 atm Oxygen Pressure 期刊论文 Ikuta, Hiroshi|Chen, Yuan Yuan|Yan, Shi Bin|Yao, Xin|
17 Critical Current Density and Microstructure of NdBa(2)Cu(3)O(7) Single Crystal 期刊论文 Zmorayova, K.|Kovac, J.|Sefcikova, M.|Diko, P.|Antal, V.|Yao, X.|
18 Growth of a high performance SmBCO bulk superconductor with the addition of a Sm2Ba4Cu2O9 phase 期刊论文 Li, Wei|Liu, Shufeng|Mertelj, Tomaz|Yao, Xin|Sun, Lijie|
19 The qualitative change in decomposition of c-oriented Sm-123 films due to a minor change in substitution of a-oriented grains 期刊论文 Ikuta, H.|Xu, X. Q.|Li, W.|Tang, C. Y.|Cheng, L.|Yoshida, Y.|Sun, L. J.|Yao, X.|
20 Real-Time Observation of Growth and Orientation of Sm-Ba-Cu-O Phases on a Sm-211 Whisker Substrate by High-Temperature Optical Microscopy 期刊论文 Jirsa, M.|Yao, X.|Lai, Y. J.|Sun, L. J.|Cheng, L.|Huang, Y. B.|
21 Electron-Phonon Coupling in High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductors Determined from Electron Relaxation Rates 期刊论文 Mihailovic, D.|Gadermaier, C.|Yao, X.|Kabanov, V. V.|Cerullo, G.|Kusar, P.|Alexandrov, A. S.|Mertelj, T.|Brida, D.|Manzoni, C.|
22 Femtosecond Response of Quasiparticles and Phonons in Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-delta Studied by Wideband Terahertz Spectroscopy 期刊论文 Erb, A.|Dubroka, A.|Huber, R.|Beyer, M.|Leitenstorfer, A.|Porer, M.|Bernhard, C.|Pashkin, A.|Dagan, Y.|Yao, X.|Kim, K. W.|Hackl, R.|Demsar, J.|
23 Evidence for a temperature dependent anisotropy of the superconducting state parameters in underdoped SmBa2Cu3Ox 期刊论文 Puzniak, R.|Yao, X.|Conder, K.|Weber, H. W.|Tang, C. Y.|Zehetmayer, M.|Kortyka, A.|Wisniewski, A.|
24 The influence of post-growth thermal treatments on the critical current density of TSMG YBCO bulk superconductors 期刊论文 Sefcikova, M. .|Eisterer, M.|Chaud, X.|Yao, X.|Diko, P.|Antal, V.|Chen, I.|Kovac, J.|Zmorayova, K.|Weber, H. W.|
25 Effect of Pr doping on the growth and superconducting properties of (Y1-xPrx)Ba2Cu3O7-delta 期刊论文 Xu, X. Q.|Yang, C. X.|Yao, X.|Cai, Y. Q.|Kortyka, A.|Xu, S.|Puzniak, R.|
26 Enhanced Growth Rate of a YBCO Bulk in the Melt-Textured Process Under 1 atm Oxygen Pressure 期刊论文 Ikuta, Hiroshi|Chen, Yuan Yuan|Yan, Shi Bin|Yao, Xin|
27 Supersaturation-Control led Growth Orientation and Grain Boundary Transition in REBa2Cu3O7-delta (RE = Sm, Sm1-xYx) Liquid-Phase Epitaxial Films 期刊论文 Tang, Chen Y.|Li, Wei|Jirsa, Milos|Chen, Yuan Y.|Sun, Li J.|Yao, Xin|
28 Large size and high performance of a Gd-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductor grown using new approaches 期刊论文 Sun, Lijie|Cheng, Ling|Li, Tianyu|Puzniak, Roman|Yan, Shibin|Yao, Xin|
29 Anisotropy of the superconducting state parameters and intrinsic pinning in low-level Pr-doped YBa2Cu3O7-delta single crystals 期刊论文 Kortyka, A.|Cai, Y. Q.|Wisniewski, A.|Zehetmayer, M.|Yao, X.|Weber, H. W.|Puzniak, R.|