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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Stimulatory Effect of LPS and Feedback Effect of PGE2 on IL-27 production 期刊论文 Liu F|Zhu Y|Pan F|Zhang R|Wu JG|Cao YH|Song Y|Li Y|Liu WY|Zhu CL|
2 The X protein of HBV induces HIV-1 long terminal repeat transcription by enhancing the binding of C/EBP and CREB1/2 regulatory proteins to the long terminal repeat of HIV-1 期刊论文 Yue X|Zhu Y|Yu Y|Mu YX|Gong R|Liu YL|Musarat I|Liu F|Zhu CL|Wu JG|
3 The X protein of hepatitis B virus activates hepatoma cell proliferation through repressing melanoma inhibitory activity 2 gene 期刊论文 Zhu Y|Wu JG|Cai YY|Yang Y|Liu F|Liu YHL|Xu YL|
4 HBx protein induces expression of MIG and increases migration of leukocytes through activation of NF-kappaB 期刊论文 Xia LM, Huang WJ, Wu JG, Yang YB|
5 Hepatitis B virus enhances interleukin-27 expression both in vivo and in vitro. 期刊论文 Zhu CL, Zhang R, Liu L, Rasool ST, Mu YX,Wu JG|
6 Association of interleukin 27 expression and p28 gene polymorphism with chronic hepatitis B virus infection. 期刊论文 Zhang R|Liu L|Wang SQ|Zhu CL|Wu JG|
7 Hepatitis B Virus Induces a Novel Inflammation Network Involving Three Inflammatory Factors, IL-29, IL-8, and Cyclooxygenase-2 期刊论文 Zhu Y|Mu YX|Liu YL|Yu Y|Chen YN|Zhu CL|Gong R|Sun ZC|Wu JG|Chen MZ|
8 Human immunodeficiency virus-1 Rev protein activates hepatitis C virus gene expression by directly targeting the HCV 50-untranslated region 期刊论文 Liu WY|He B|Liu F| Zhu Y|Zhang Q|Yang ZH|Li YX|Pan ZS|Qu J|Ding Q|Wu JG|Liu YL|
9 Induction of Cyclooxygenase-2 Expression by Hepatitis B Virus Depends on Demethylationassociated Recruitment of Transcription Factors to the Promoter 期刊论文 Mu YX|Sun W|Zhu Y|Yang F|Yang YB|Li W|Wu JG|Xu DP|Yue X|
10 Borna disease virus P protein affects neural transmission through interacting with gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor-associated protein 期刊论文 Peng GQ, Yan Y, Zhu CL, Wang SQ, Yan XH, Wu JG |
11 Single-chain intracellular antibodies inhibit influenza virus replication by disrupting interaction of proteins involved in viral replication and transcription. 期刊论文 Mu YX|Wei W|Wu JG|Li SF|Wan T|Rasool ST|Kang L|Zhu Y|Li W|Xiao YB|Mukhtar MM|
12 A liver-specific microRNA binds to a highly conserved RNA sequence of hepatitis B virus and negatively regulates viral gene expression and replication 期刊论文 Wu JG|Liu YL|Rider PJ|Hao Q|Gong H|Shen A|Yu Y|Zhu Y|Wu KL|Mu YX|Liu FY|Chen YN|
13 Activation of the Ras/Raf/MEK Pathway Facilitates Hepatitis C Virus Replication via Attenuation of the Interferon-JAK-STAT Pathway 期刊论文 Qi Zhang, Rui Gong, Jing Qu,Yijing Zhou,Wu JG|
14 Association of functional polymorphism of apoB promoter with hepatitis C virus infection. 期刊论文 Hao Q|Zhu C|Liu L|Rasool ST|Liu F|Zhang R|Sun W|Wu JG|Zhu Y|Mu Y|
15 The X Protein of Hepatitis B Virus Inhibits Apoptosis in Hepatoma Cells through Enhancing the Methionine Adenosyltransferase 2A Gene Expression and Reducing S-Adenosylmethionine Production 期刊论文 Wang DF|Liu QY|Liu YL|Wu JG|Ma L|Zhang J|Liu ZS|Liu L|He YM|Chen JW|