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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Flavor SU(3) Topological Diagram and Irreducible Representation Amplitudes for Heavy Meson Charmless Hadronic Decays: Mismatch and Equivalence 期刊论文 He Xiao-Gang;Wang Wei
2 Quasi parton distribution functions at NNLO: flavor non-diagonal quark contributions 期刊论文 Chen Long-Bin;Wang Wei;Zhu Ruilin
3 Searching for tetraquark through weak decays of b-baryons 期刊论文 Fei Huang;Ye Xing;Ji Xu
4 Accessing Gluon Parton Distributions in Large Momentum Effective Theory 期刊论文 Zhang Jian-Hui;Ji Xiangdong;Schafer Andreas;Wang Wei;Zhao Shuai
5 Measuring the ratio of HW W and HZZ couplings through W +W −H production 期刊论文 Cheng-Wei Chiang;Xiao-Gang He;Gang Li
6 First lattice QCD calculation of semileptonic decays of charmed-strange baryons {Xi}$_{c}$ 期刊论文 Qi-An Zhang;Jun Hua;Fei Huang;Renbo Li;Yuanyuan Li;Caidian Lü;Peng Sun;Wei Sun;Wei Wang;Yibo Yang
7 Lepton-flavor-violating semileptonic tau decay and K -> pi nu(nu)over-bar 期刊论文 He Xiao-Gang;Tandean Jusak;Valencia German
8 Search for a heavy dark photon at future e+e− colliders 期刊论文 Min He;Xiao-Gang He;Cheng-Kai Huang;Gang Li
9 Weak Decays of Triply Heavy Baryons 期刊论文 Wang Wei;Xu Ji
10 The D Dπ and B Bπ couplings from light-cone sum rules 期刊论文 Alexander Khodjamirian;Blaženka Melić;Yu-Ming Wang;Yan-Bing Wei
11 Novel Soft-Pion Theorem for Long-Range Nuclear Parity Violation 期刊论文 Feng Xu;Guo Feng-Kun;Seng Chien-Yeah
12 Dark photon kinetic mixing effects for the CDF W-mass measurement 期刊论文 Yu Cheng;Xiao-Gang He;Fei Huang;Jin Sun;Zhi-Peng Xing
13 QCD factorization for the four-body leptonic B-meson decays 期刊论文 Chao Wang;Yu-Ming Wang;Yan-Bing Wei
14 Transverse energytextendashenergy correlations of jets in the electrontextendashproton deep inelastic scattering at HERA 期刊论文 Ali Ahmed;Li Gang;Wang Wei;Xing Zhi-Peng
15 Tetraquarks, Pentaquarks and Dibaryons in the large $N$ QCD 期刊论文 Maiani Luciano;Riquer Veronica;Wang Wei
16 Weak decays of triply heavy baryons in light front approach 期刊论文 Wei Wang;Zhi-Peng Xing
17 Model independent investigation of the $R_J/psi,eta_c$ and ratios of decay widths of semileptonic $B_c$ decays into a P-wave charmonium 期刊论文 Wang Wei;Zhu Ruilin
18 SU (3) flavor symmetry for weak hadronic decays of B-bc baryons 期刊论文 Pan Junxing;Hsiao Yu-Kuo;Sun Jin;He Xiao-Gang
19 Revisiting the transition Ξcc + + → Ξc ^{(')} to understand the data from LHCb 期刊论文 Hong-Wei Ke;Xue-Qian Li
20 Relating Hadronic CP Violation to Higher-Twist Distributions 期刊论文 Seng Chien-Yeah
21 Perturbative QCD analysis of exclusive processes $e^+e^-rightarrow VP$ and $e^+e^-rightarrow TP$ 期刊论文 Lu Cai-Dian;Wang Wei;Xing Ye;Zhang Qi-An
22 On the production of hidden-flavored hadronic states at high energy 期刊论文 Wang Wei
23 Weak decays of doubly heavy baryons: ''decay constants'' 期刊论文 Hu Xiao-Hui;Shen Yue-Long;Wang Wei;Zhao Zhen-Xing
24 Prospects of discovering stable double-heavy tetraquarks at a Tera-$Z$ factory 期刊论文 Ali Ahmed;Parkhomenko Alexander Ya;Qin Qin;Wang Wei
25 Searching for a charged Higgs boson with both H±W∓Z and H±tb couplings at the LHC 期刊论文 Jian-Yong Cen;Jung-Hsin Chen;Xiao-Gang He;Gang Li;Jhih-Ying Su;Wei Wang
26 Open-charm tetraquark $X_c$ and open-bottom tetraquark $X_b$ 期刊论文 He Xiao-Gang;Wang Wei;Zhu Ruilin
27 Nuclear effects in neutrino-nucleus DIS and a probe for short-range correlations 期刊论文 Huang Fei;Xu Ji;Yang Xing-Hua
28 Matching the meson quasidistribution amplitude in the RI/MOM scheme 期刊论文 Liu Yu-Sheng;Wang Wei;Xu Ji;Zhang Qi-An;Zhao Shuai;Zhao Yong
29 Up-down asymmetries and angular distributions in D -> K-1 (-> K pi pi)l(+) nu(l) 期刊论文 Bian Lingzhu;Sun Liang;Wang Wei
30 Novel method to reliably determine the photon helicity in $bto sgamma$ 期刊论文 Wang Wei;Yu Fu-Sheng;Zhao Zhen-Xing
31 Constraints on new physics from $$K rightarrow pi nu {bar{nu }}$$K→πνν¯ 期刊论文 Xiao-Gang He;German Valencia;Keith Wong
32 Impacts of multi-Higgs on the rho parameter, decays of a neutral Higgs to WW and ZZ, and a charged Higgs to WZ 期刊论文 Cen Jian-Yong;Chen Jung-Hsin;He Xiao-Gang;Su Jhih-Ying
33 B → Dℓνℓ form factors beyond leading power and extraction of |Vcb| and R(D) 期刊论文 Jing Gao;Tobias Huber;Yao Ji;Chao Wang;Yu-Ming Wang;Yan-Bing Wei
34 Next-to-Next-to-Leading-Order QCD Prediction for the Photon-Pion Form Factor 期刊论文 Jing Gao;Tobias Huber;Yao Ji;Yu-Ming Wang
35 Subleading-power corrections to the radiative leptonic B → γℓν decay in QCD 期刊论文 Yu-Ming Wang;Yue-Long Shen
36 Study on possible molecular states composed of ΛcD ̅(ΛbB) and ΣcD ̅(ΣbB) within the Bethe-Salpeter framework 期刊论文 Hong-Wei Ke;Mei Li;Xiao-Hai Liu;Xue-Qian Li
37 Master integrals for two-loop QCD corrections to quark quasi PDFs 期刊论文 Chen Long-Bin;Wang Wei;Zhu Ruilin
38 A global analysis of charmless two body hadronic decays for anti-triplet charmed baryons 期刊论文 Fei Huang;Zhi-Peng Xing;Xiao-Gang He
39 Precision calculations of B → V form factors from soft-collinear effective theory sum rules on the light-cone 期刊论文 Jing Gao;Cai-Dian Lü;Yue-Long Shen;Yu-Ming Wang;Yan-Bing Wei
40 A Hybrid Renormalization Scheme for Quasi Light-Front Correlations in Large-Momentum Effective Theory 期刊论文 Ji Xiangdong;Liu Yizhuang;Schafer Andreas;Wang Wei;Yang Yi-Bo;Zhang Jian-Hui;Zhao Yong
41 Light-cone sum rules analysis of Ξ Q Q ' →Σ Q ' weak decays 期刊论文 Xiao-Hui Hu;Yu-Ji Shi
42 Possible molecular states of D (∗) D (∗) and B (∗) B (∗) within the Bethe–Salpeter framework 期刊论文 Hong-Wei Ke;Xiao-Hai Liu;Xue-Qian Li
43 A natural interpretation on the data of Λc → Σ π 期刊论文 Hong-Wei Ke;Xue-Qian Li
44 Global analysis of hadronic two-body B decays in the perturbative QCD approach 期刊论文 Jun Hua;Hsiang-nan Li;Cai-Dian Lü;Wei Wang;Zhi-Peng Xing
45 Pion and Kaon Distribution Amplitudes from Lattice QCD 期刊论文 Jun Hua;Min-Huan Chu;Fang-Cheng He;Jin-Chen He;Xiangdong Ji;Andreas Schäfer;Yushan Su;Peng Sun;Wei Wang;Ji Xu;Yi-Bo Yang;Fei Yao;Jian-Hui Zhang;Qi-An Zhang
46 Unpolarized isovector quark distribution function from lattice QCD: A systematic analysis of renormalization and matching 期刊论文 Liu Yu-Sheng;Chen Jiunn-Wei;Huo Yikai;Jin Luchang;Schlemmer Maximilian;Schafer Andreas;Sun Peng;Wang Wei;Yang Yibo;Zhang Jian-Hui;Zhang Qi-An;Zhang Kuan;Zhao Yong
47 Discovery potential of stable and near-threshold doubly heavy tetraquarks at the LHC 期刊论文 Ali Ahmed;Qin Qin;Wang Wei
48 Deciphering weak decays of triply heavy baryons by SU(3) analysis 期刊论文 Huang Fei;Xu Ji;Zhang Xi-Ruo
49 Distribution Amplitudes of K and φ at the Physical Pion Mass from Lattice QCD 期刊论文 Jun Hua;Min-Huan Chu;Peng Sun;Wei Wang;Ji Xu;Yi-Bo Yang;Jian-Hui Zhang;Qi-An Zhang
50 Weak decays of doubly heavy baryons: the FCNC processes 期刊论文 Zhi-Peng Xing;Zhen-Xing Zhao
51 Weak decays of in the light-front quark model 期刊论文 Hong-Wei Ke;Qing-Qing Kang;Xiao-Hai Liu;Xue-Qian Li
52 Matching generalized parton quasidistributions in the RI/MOM scheme 期刊论文 Liu Yu-Sheng;Wang Wei;Xu Ji;Zhang Qi-An;Zhang Jian-Hui;Zhao Shuai;Zhao Yong
53 Reduced Hadronic Uncertainty in the Determination of V-ud 期刊论文 Seng Chien-Yeah;Gorchtein Mikhail;Patel Hiren H.;Ramsey-Musolf Michael J.
54 QCD calculations of radiative heavy meson decays with subleading power corrections 期刊论文 Hua-Dong Li;Cai-Dian Lu ̈;Chao Wang;Yu-Ming Wang;Yan-Bing Wei
55 Electrophilic dark matter with dark photon: From DAMPE to direct detection 期刊论文 Pei-Hong Gu;Xiao-Gang He
56 Precision calculations of the double radiative bottom-meson decays in soft-collinear effective theory 期刊论文 Yue-Long Shen;Yu-Ming Wang;Yan-Bing Wei
57 Study on Ξcc → Ξc and Ξcc → Ξc’ weak decays in the light-front quark model 期刊论文 Hong-Wei Ke;Fang Lu;Xiao-Hai Liu;Xue-Qian Li
58 QCD Sum Rules Analysis of Weak Decays of Doubly-Heavy Baryons 期刊论文 Shi Yu-Ji;Wang Wei;Zhao Zhen-Xing
59 Towards a Heavy Diquark Effective Theory for Weak Decays of Doubly Heavy Baryons 期刊论文 Shi Yu-Ji;Wang Wei;Zhao Zhen-Xing;Meissner Ulf-G.
60 Flavor specific U(1)Bq−Lμ gauge model for muon g − 2 and b→sμ¯μ anomalies 期刊论文 Jian-Yong Cen;Yu Cheng;Xiao-Gang He;Jin Sun
61 Bd,s → γℓ decay with an energetic photon 期刊论文 Martin Beneke;Christoph Bobeth;Yu-Ming Wang
62 QCD calculations of B → π, K form factors with higher-twist corrections 期刊论文 Cai-Dian Lu ̈;Yue-Long Shen;Yu-Ming Wang;Yan-Bing Wei
63 Lattice QCD Calculations of Transverse-Momentum-Dependent Soft Function through Large-Momentum Effective Theory 期刊论文 Zhang Qi-An;Hua Jun;Huo Yikai;Ji Xiangdong;Liu Yizhuang;Liu Yu-Sheng;Schlemmer Maximilian;Schafer Andreas;Sun Peng;Wang Wei;Yang Yibo
64 Lepton universality violation and right-handed currents in b -> c tau nu 期刊论文 He Xiao-Gang;Valencia German
65 Interpretation of $Y_b (10753)$ as a tetraquark and its production mechanism 期刊论文 Ali Ahmed;Maiani Luciano;Parkhomenko Alexander Ya.;Wang Wei
66 Leptophilic dark matter in gauged U(1)Le−Lμ model in light of DAMPE cosmic ray e++e− excess 期刊论文 Guang Hua Duan;Xiao-Gang He;Lei Wu;Jin Min Yang
67 A comprehensive analysis of weak transition form factors for doubly heavy baryons in the light front approach 期刊论文 Hu Xiao-Hui;Li Run-Hui;Xing Zhi-Peng
68 Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order Calculation of Quasiparton Distribution Functions 期刊论文 Chen Long-Bin;Wang Wei;Zhu Ruilin
69 Complete matching for quasidistribution functions in large momentum effective theory 期刊论文 Wang Wei;Zhang Jian-Hui;Zhao Shuai;Zhu Ruilin
70 Weak Decays of Doubly Heavy Baryons: Multi-body Decay Channels 期刊论文 Shi Yu-Ji;Wang Wei;Xing Ye;Xu Ji
71 Study on the possible molecular state composed of D s ∗ ¯D s1 within the Bethe-Salpeter framework 期刊论文 Hong-Wei Ke;Xiao-Hai Liu;Xue-Qian Li
72 Unification of Flavor SU(3) Analyses of Heavy Hadron Weak Decays 期刊论文 He Xiao-Gang;Shi Yu-Ji;Wang Wei
73 Hunting for a possible Higgs-like boson beyond the Standard Model 期刊论文 Xing-Dao Guo;Jian-Wen Zhu;Ren-You Zhang;Shu-Min Zhao;Wen-Gan Ma;Xue-Qian Li
74 SUSY Confinement 期刊论文 Shu-Min Zhao;Xue-Qian Li