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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Evaluation of unmanned aerial system in measuring lower tropospheric ozone and fine aerosol particles using portable monitors 期刊论文 Li Xiao-Bing;Peng Zhong-Ren;Lu Qing-Chang;Wang Dongfang;Hu Xiao-Ming;Wang Dongsheng;Li Bai;Fu Qingyan;Xiu Guangli;He Hongdi
2 Multiscale multifractal properties between ground-level ozone and its precursors in rural area in Hong Kong 期刊论文 He Hong-di;Qiao Zhong-Xia;Pan Wei;Lu Wei-Zhen
3 Vertical and Horizontal Profiles of Particulate Matter and Black Carbon Near Elevated Highways Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Monitoring 期刊论文 Cao Rong;Li Bai;Wang Hong-Wei;Tao Shikang;Peng Zhong-Ren;He Hong-di
4 金融危机影响下波罗的海原油运价指数与中美石油股指的多重分形研究 期刊论文 王越;何红弟
5 城郊气象因素与NOx、PM10的多重分形分析 期刊论文 秦廷双;何红弟
6 金融危机前后BDI指数与CBFI指数的多重分形研究 期刊论文 张佳惠;何红弟
7 基于SVR-LUR模型的城市道路PM10空间浓度分布模拟 期刊论文 陈雯君;何红弟
8 Regional prediction of ground-level ozone using a hybrid sequence-to-sequence deep learning approach 期刊论文 Wang Hong-Wei;Li Xiao-Bing;Wang Dongsheng;Zhao Juanhao;He Hong-di;Peng Zhong-Ren
9 Study on fuel consumption in the Kerner-Klenov-Wolf three-phase cellular automaton traffic flow model 期刊论文 Xue Yu;Wang Xue;Cen Bing-ling;Zhang Peng;He Hong-di
10 港口罢工影响下近地面O_3与NO_x浓度变化的多重分形研究 期刊论文 乔中霞;何红弟
11 上海市大气环境中PM_(2.5)/PM_(10)时空分布特征 期刊论文 李敏;何红弟;郝杨杨
12 Effect of Changing Path on Pedestrian Traffic under the Cumulative Effect of Delay Time 期刊论文 Cen Bingling;Xue Yu;Wang Xue;Zhang Peng
13 Prediction of PM2.5 concentration based on the similarity in air quality monitoring network 期刊论文 He Hong-di;Li Min;Wang Wei-li;Wang Zhan-yong;Xue Yu
14 Bifurcation analysis of traffic flow through an improved car-following model considering the time-delayed velocity difference 期刊论文 Zhang Yicai;Xue Yu;Zhang Peng;Fan Deli;di He Hong
15 香港港口PM2.5和PM10的多重分形特征 期刊论文 谢焕丽;何红弟
16 Characterizing temporal and vertical distribution patterns of traffic-emitted pollutants near an elevated expressway in urban residential areas 期刊论文 Lu Kai-Fa;He Hong-Di;Wang Hong-Wei;Li Xiao-Bing;Peng Zhong-Ren
17 Vertical Characteristics of Winter Ozone Distribution within the Boundary Layer in Shanghai Based on Hexacopter Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Platform 期刊论文 Chen Qian;Wang Dongsheng;Li Xiaobing;Li Bai;Song Ruifeng;He Hongdi;Peng Zhongren
18 Mean-field velocity difference model considering the average effect of multi-vehicle interaction 期刊论文 Guo Yan;Xue Yu;Shi Yin;Wei Fang-ping;Lu Liang-zhong;He Hong-di
19 上海迪士尼环形交叉口信号优化控制仿真 期刊论文 汪珂;何红弟;王维莉
20 Fine-scale variations in PM2.5 and black carbon concentrations and corresponding influential factors at an urban road intersection 期刊论文 Wang Zhanyong;Zhong Shuqi;He Hong-di;Peng Zhong-Ren;Cai Ming
21 基于VISSIM仿真的港口集装箱堆场交通流研究 期刊论文 尤悦;何红弟
22 An environmental indicator: particulate characteristics on pedestrian pathway along integrated urban thoroughfare in Metropolis 期刊论文 Pan Wei;He Hong-Di;Xue Yu;Lu Wei-Zhen
23 Multifractal analysis of interactive patterns between meteorological factors and pollutants in urban and rural areas 期刊论文 He Hong-di
24 Comparison of three prediction strategies within PM2.5 and PM10 monitoring networks 期刊论文 He Hong-di;Lu Wei-zhen
25 城市道路交叉口颗粒物浓度及行人暴露研究 期刊论文 高嵘;净新苗;何红弟
26 Traffic control oriented impact on the persistence of urban air pollutants: A causeway bay revelation during emergency period 期刊论文 Pan Wei;Xue Yu;He Hong-Di;Lu Wei-Zhen
27 上海市夏季高架道路边颗粒物垂直分布研究 期刊论文 何红弟;赵积强;程丽军;刑小虎
28 集装箱班轮服务网络优化和货运路径设计 期刊论文 胡坚堃;彭子良;黄有方
29 香港港口近地面O_3与氮氧化物浓度变化的多重分形特征 期刊论文 乔中霞;何红弟;杨斌;邢小虎
30 Development and utilization of hexacopter unmanned aerial vehicle platform to characterize vertical distribution of boundary layer ozone in wintertime 期刊论文 Chen Qian;Li Xiao-Bing;Song Ruifeng;Wang Hong-Wei;Li Bai;He Hong-Di;Peng Zhong-Ren
31 上海黄浦江轮渡颗粒物污染状况的分布特征 期刊论文 毛慧伦;何红弟
32 基于气象因素的PM10浓度预测 期刊论文 蔡春茂;何红弟
33 供应链库存预测误差对系统稳定性的影响 期刊论文 何红弟;王越
34 Impacts of traffic congestion on fuel rate, dissipation and particle emission in a single lane based on Nasch Model 期刊论文 Pan Wei;Xue Yu;He Hong-Di;Lu Wei-Zhen
35 基于聚类分析的颗粒物监测网络优化研究 期刊论文 张赛鑫;何红弟;魏海蕊