
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Measuring contagion between energy market and stock market during financial crisis: A copula approach 期刊论文 Wen Xiaoqian;Wei Yu;Huang Dengshi
2 Transit transfer optimization with capacity constraint consideration: Evidence from Chengdu bus 会议论文 Ying, Zeng|Jun, Li|Hui, Zhu|
3 供应链竞争下基于微分对策的合作广告模型 期刊论文 聂佳佳
4 考虑乘客感知的公交随机用户均衡配流 期刊论文 曾鹦;李军;朱晖
5 Using the Algebraic Approach to Determine the Replenishment Optimal Policy with Defective Products, backlog and delay of payments in the Supply Chain Management 期刊论文 Li Jun| Feng Hairong| Chung Kun-Jen|
6 食品安全事件中的公众风险感知及应对行为研究——以问题奶粉事件为例 期刊论文 范春梅;贾建民;李华强
7 预测信息分享对制造商开通直销渠道的影响 期刊论文 聂佳佳
8 渠道结构对第三方负责回收闭环供应链的影响 期刊论文 聂佳佳
9 Retailer’s optimal replenishment and payment policies in the EPQ model under cash discount and two-level trade credit policy 期刊论文 Hairong Feng|Jun Li|Da Zhao|
10 A New Temporal and Social PMF - based Method to Predict Users ' Interests in Micro-blogging 期刊论文 H Bao|Q Li|SS Liao|S Song|H Gao|
11 A Prediction Framework Based on Contextual Data to Support Mobile Personalized Marketing 期刊论文 H Tang|SS Liao|SX Sun|
12 价格和库存驱动替代的两产品动态定价策略 期刊论文 官振中;任建标
13 重大灾害情境下感知风险对消费者信心的影响研究 期刊论文 范春梅;贾建民;李华强
14 延期支付下的易腐品联合采购费用分配 期刊论文 Mao Yong;Niu Sufang;Xu Xin;Wang Jun;Su Yongquan;Wu Yang;Zhong Shengping
15 奖惩机制对零售商负责回收闭环供应链的影响 期刊论文 聂佳佳;王文宾;吴庆
16 A multiple-category classification approach with decision-theoretic rough sets 期刊论文 Liu Dun| Li Tianrui|Li Huaxiong|
17 Inventory games with permissible delay in payments 期刊论文 Li, Jun|Feng, Hairong|Zeng, Yinlian|
18 次贷危机对跨国资产投资组合VaR的影响研究 期刊论文 于文华;魏宇;黄寰
19 换乘行为影响下的城市公交配流算法 期刊论文 曾鹦;李军;朱晖
20 合作博弈视角下城市道路交通拥堵收费研究 期刊论文 曾鹦|李军|
21 The Evolution of Telecommunications Policy-Making: Comparative Analysis of China and India 期刊论文 Liu Chun| Jayakar Krishna|
22 Cross - correlations between West Texas Intermediate crude oil and the stock markets of the BRIC 期刊论文 F Ma|Y Wei|D Huang|L Zhao|
23 Collective Recycling Responsibility in Closed -Loop Fashion Supply Chains with a Third Party: Financial Sharing or Physical Sharing? 期刊论文 J Nie|Z Huang|Y Zhao|Y Shi|
24 次贷危机对亚洲股市尾部极值风险传导的影响研究 期刊论文 于文华;魏宇;岳焱
25 Forecasting volatility of fuel oil futures in China: GARCH-type, SV or realized volatility models? 期刊论文 Wei Yu|
26 沪深300股指期货日内避险模型及效率研究 期刊论文 魏宇;赖晓东;余江
27 考虑零售商风险规避的闭环供应链回收策略研究 期刊论文 肖复东;聂佳佳;赵冬梅
28 Multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis between the Chinese stock market and surrounding stock markets 期刊论文 Ma Feng;Wei Yu;Huang Dengshi
29 Choosing reverse channels under collection responsibility sharing in a closed-loop supply chain with re-manufacturing 期刊论文 Shi, Yuan|Nie, Jiajia|Qu, Ting|Chu, Lap-Keung|Sculli, Domenic|
30 Examining China’s Triple-Network Convergence Plan: Regulatory Challenges and Policy Recommendations 期刊论文 Liu Chun|
31 易腐品供应链企业联合采购决策与费用分配研究 期刊论文 冯海荣;李军;曾银莲
32 Key indicators for assessing the effectiveness of waste management in construction projects 期刊论文 Yuan Hongping
33 存在车辆租赁及共享且有时间窗的多配送中心开环VRP 期刊论文 刘家利;马祖军
34 Regret and performance uncertainty in consumer repeat choice 期刊论文 Chen Rong;Jia Jianmin
35 The Myth of Informatization in Rural Areas: The Case of China's Sichuan Province 期刊论文 Liu Chun|
36 Sampling methods for summarizing unordered vehicle-to-vehicle data streams 期刊论文 Zhang, Jiadong|Xu, Jin|Liao, Stephen Shaoyi|
37 震后应急物资配送的模糊动态多目标定位-路径问题 期刊论文 代颖| 马祖军| 朱道立| 方涛.|
38 Piecewise linear multi-criteria programs: the continuous case and its discontinuous generalization 期刊论文 Fang Yaping| Meng Kaiwen| Yang Xiaoqi|
39 应急物流系统中的随机定位-路径问题研究 期刊论文 代颖| 马祖军|
40 多个大股东股权结构与公司业绩研究 期刊论文 叶勇;蓝辉旋;李明
41 Probabilistic model criteria with decision-theoretic rough sets 期刊论文 Li, Tianrui|Liu, Dun|Ruan, Da|
42 基于微分对策的再制造闭环供应链回收渠道选择策略 期刊论文 黄宗盛;聂佳佳;胡培
43 Measuring daily Value - at - Risk of SSEC index : A new approach based on multifractal analysis and extreme value theory 期刊论文 Y Wei|W Chen|Y Lin|
44 我国钢材期货市场波动率的GARCH族模型研究 期刊论文 李云红;魏宇
45 Equivalent Conditions for Local Error Bounds 期刊论文 Meng Kaiwen;Yang Xiaoqi
46 洪灾被困人员搜救问题的集成优化研究 期刊论文 李守英|马祖军|郑斌|任铭|LI Shou-ying 1,MA Zu-jun 2,ZHENG Bin 3,REN Ming 1|2.School of Economics and Management,Southwest Jia|3.School of Transportation and Logistics,Southwest|
47 The influence of owner power in forstering contractor cooperation: Evidence from China 期刊论文 S Lu|H Yan|
48 Unconstraining Estimation in Revenue Management System: Research Overview and Prospects 期刊论文 Guo Peng| Xiao Baichun|Li Jun|
49 A comparative study of the measurements of perceived risk among contractors in China 期刊论文 Shaokai Lu;Hong Yan
50 制造商应对再制造商进入的技术创新策略 期刊论文 黄宗盛;聂佳佳;胡培
51 Triangular fuzzy decision-theoretic rough sets 期刊论文 Liang, Decui|Liu, Dun|Pedrycz, Witold|Hu, Pei|
52 Three-way government decision analysis with decision- theoretic rough sets 期刊论文 Liu Dun| Li Tianrui|Liang Decui|
53 零售商信息分享对闭环供应链回收模式的影响 期刊论文 聂佳佳
54 股东联结网络影响股价联动关系吗? 期刊论文 董大勇;刘海斌;胡杨;张尉