
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 A note on stress intensity factors for a crack emanating from a sharp V-notch 期刊论文 Duan Jingbo|Li Xianfang|Lei Yongjun|
2 Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Dynamic Fracture of a Cylindrical Shell with Grooves Subjected to Internal Explosive Loading 期刊论文 Liang Min Zhu|Wang Ma Fa|Lu Guo Xing|Lu Fang Yun|
3 两种二级铝蜂窝结构缓冲吸能特性研究 期刊论文 李翔城|林玉亮|卢芳云|李志斌|
4 The Pore Collapse "Hot-Spots'' Model Coupled with Brittle Damage for Solid Explosives 期刊论文 Cheng L R|Chen R|Shi H J|Lu F Y|
5 Effects of U-notches on the dynamic fracture and fragmentation Of explosively driven cylinders 期刊论文 Liang Minzu|Li Xiangyu|Lu Fangyun|
6 Comparison investigation of tensile fracture properties of al alloy at different dynamic loadings 期刊论文 Zhang Duo|Lin Yuliang|Zhou chaoyang|Wu Shiyong|
7 论文《Determination of dynamic fracture parameters using a semi-circular bendtechnique in split Hopkinson pressure bar testing》进入ESI学科前10% 奖励 陈荣|
8 A technique for measuring dynamic friction coefficient under impact loading 期刊论文 Jingui Qin|Rong Chen|Pengduo Zhao|Fangyu Lu|
9 柔性导爆索在铝合金圆筒中能量输出特性实验研究 期刊论文 林玉亮|卢芳云|陈荣|文学军|
10 Stress field around a strike-slip fault in orthotropic elastic layers via a hypersingular integral equation 期刊论文 Li Xian-Fang|Tang Guo-Jin|Tang Bao-Qing|
11 柔性导爆索系统分离过程中的速度和能量分配 会议论文 陈荣|张弘佳|卢芳云|
12 三种炸药材料动态压缩力学性能及本构关系研究 会议论文 李俊玲|卢芳云|蓝林钢|敬世明|
13 一种修正带几何缺陷钢纤维混凝土试样的SHPB动态强度测试的方法 会议论文 赵鹏铎|卢芳云|陈荣|林玉亮|
14 军队优秀硕士论文 奖励 梁民族|
15 Deformation and failure mechanisms of sandwich beams under three-point bending at elevated temperatures 期刊论文 Zheng Zhijun|Yu Jilin|Qian Chunqiang|Lu Fangyun|
16 Dynamic friction coefficient of two plastics against aluminum under impact loading 期刊论文 Jingui Qin|Fangyun Lu|Rong Chen|Xiangyu Li|
17 爆轰波斜冲击作用下破片飞散特性研究 期刊论文 王马法|卢芳云|李翔宇|
18 Spherical indentation of closed-cell aluminum foams: An empirical force-depth relation. 期刊论文 Zheng ZJ|Yu JL|Yang J|Lu FY|
19 Effect of Surface Stress on Stress Intensity Factors of a Nanoscale Crack via Double Cantilever Beam Model 期刊论文 Wang, Hua|Li, Xianfang|Tang, Guojin|Shen, Zhibin|
20 论文《A semi-circular bend technique for determining dynamic fracture toughness》进入ESI学科前10% 奖励 陈荣|
21 Failure mechanism of sandwich beams subjected to three-point bending 期刊论文 Jiang Banghai|Li Zhibin|Lu Fangyun|
22 Experimental Study on the Shock Absorption Performance of Combined Aluminium Honeycombs under Impact Loading 期刊论文 Lu Fangyun|Chen Rong|Zhang Zhifeng|Li Yan|
23 组合铝蜂窝结构的异面压缩响应及减冲击性能分析 期刊论文 林玉亮|陈荣|李岩|张志峰|
24 Effect of T-stress on branch angle of moving cracks 期刊论文 Tang B Q|Tang G J|Li X F|
25 Dynamic Mechanical Properties and Constitutive Relation of an Aluminized Polymer Bonded Explosive at Low Temperatures 期刊论文 Xu Binbin|Chen Rong|Qin Jingui|Lu Fangyun|
26 Mechanical behaviour of dual-phase high-strength steel under high strain rate tensile loading 期刊论文 Wen Xuejun|Lin Yuliang|Liang Minzu|Lu Fangyun|
27 Effects of temperature and strain rate on the dynamic responses of three polymer-bonded explosives 期刊论文 Chen Rong|Zhao Pengduo|Lan Lingang|Jing Shiming|
28 Study on energy output efficiency of mild detonating fuse in cylinder tube structure 期刊论文 Lin Yuliang|Lu Fangyun|Chen Rong|Wen Xuejun|
29 霍普金森杆实验技术 专著 陈荣|林玉亮|赵鹏铎|张舵|
30 柔性导爆索线式爆炸分离过程机理分析与安全性研究 专著 卢芳云|
31 材料本构参数的反问题求解方法 会议论文 陈荣|李康|李翔宇|卢芳云|
32 大型柔性整流罩分离特点仿真分析 期刊论文 张大鹏|雷勇军|柳海龙|唐霄汉|
33 一种含钨反应材料的动态压缩力学性能研究 会议论文 陈鹏|覃金贵|卢芳云|
34 The dynamic mechanical behavior and the statistical crack mechanics model for a polymer-bonded explosive 期刊论文 Cheng Lirong|Shi Huiji|Chen Rong|Lu Fangyun|
35 Experimental study on dynamic mechanical properties of a mock PBX 会议论文 Lin Yuliang|Lu Fangyun|Zhou Zhongbin|Chen Rong|
36 Bending resistance and energy-absorbing effectiveness of empty and foam-filled thin-walled tubes 期刊论文 Li Zhibin|Lu Fangyun|
37 Indentation of composite sandwich panels with aluminum foam core: An experimental parametric study 期刊论文 Li ZB|Zheng ZJ|Yu JL|Yang J|
38 一种实现壳体柱面膨胀加载的实验技术研究 期刊论文 丁亮亮|李翔宇|张震宇|卢芳云|
39 A Theoretical Analysis about the Driving Mechanism of Mild Detonating Fuse 期刊论文 Xuejun Wen|Fangyun Lu|Rong Chen|Yuliang Lin|
40 Cushioning and Energy Absorbing Property of Combined Aluminum Honeycomb 期刊论文 Chen Rong|Li Yan|Wen Xue-Jun|Lu Fang-Yun|
41 某含铝PBX压缩性能的应变率与温度效应 期刊论文 陈丁丁|卢芳云|林玉亮|蒋邦海|
42 闭孔泡沫铝的高温局部压入力学响应 期刊论文 李志斌|
43 在分离式Hopkinson拉杆实验中确定临界实验条件的经验方法 期刊论文 文学军|卢芳云|覃金贵|陈荣|
44 泡沫铝夹芯梁结构的高温3点弯曲力学性能研究 期刊论文 李志斌|卢芳云|
45 动载实验中压电晶体应力量计的设计与应用 期刊论文 李俊玲|赵鹏铎|崔云霄|文学军|
46 论文《Effects of microstructures on dynamic compression of barre granite》进入ESI学科前10% 奖励 卢芳云|
47 Transfer function modeling of structural vibration of complex aerospace structures based on finite element analysis 期刊论文 Wu Xin Feng|Lei Yong Jun|Li Dao Kui|Xie Yan|
48 Parallel Control to Fragments of a Cylindrical Structure Driven by Explosive inside 期刊论文 Li Xiangyu|Lu Fangyun|Li Zhenduo|Zhang Zhenyu|
49 Tensile properties of a carbon fiber 2D woven reinforced polymer matrix composite in through-thickness direction 期刊论文 Chen Dingding|Lu Fangyun|Jiang Banghai|
50 PBX炸药非冲击点火机制研究 会议论文 卢芳云|林玉亮|覃金贵|
51 A theoretical analysis about the influence of interfacial friction in SHPB tests 期刊论文 Lin Yuliang|Wang Xiaoyan|Lu Li|Chen Rong|
52 Improved Method Used to Investigate the Dynamic Shear Failure of AISI 1045 Steel Cylinder Under Blast Loading 期刊论文 Liang Minzu|Li Xiangyu|Lu Fangyun|
53 Local indentation of aluminum foam core sandwich beams at elevated temperatures 期刊论文 Li Zhibin|Chen Xuguang|Jiang Banghai|Lu Fangyun|
54 湖南省优秀博士学位论文 奖励 陈荣|
55 含钨活性材料动态压缩力学性能 期刊论文 陈荣|陈进|李志斌|蒋邦海|
56 湖南省优秀博士论文 奖励 段静波|
57 An Analytical Approach for Deformation Shapes of a Cylindrical Shell with Internal Medium Subjected to Lateral Contact Explosive Loading 期刊论文 Li Xiangyu|Li Zhenduo|Liang Minzu|
58 Stress intensify factors for an external circular crack at the interface of a bi-material in shear–compression 期刊论文 Li Xian-Fang|Tang Guo-Jin|Shen Zhi-Bin|Lee Kang Yong|
59 Crack problems in a viscoelastic medium using enriched finite element method 期刊论文 Lei YJ|Duan JB|Li DK|Li XF|
60 Stress intensity factors of double cantilever nanobeams via gradient elasticity theory 期刊论文 Zhang H|Li XF|Tang GJ|Shen ZB|
61 D字形预制破片战斗部破片能量分布特性 期刊论文 李翔宇|卢芳云|王马法|梁民族|
62 PELE弹丸壳体的损伤断裂模型 期刊论文 李翔宇|覃金贵|卢芳云|王马法|
63 Time-Resolved Dynamic Friction Testing of a Polyurethane Foam Against a Polymer/Clay Nano-composite Under Impact Loading 期刊论文 Qin Jingui|Chen Rong|Lu Fangyun|Lu Li|
64 钢箱内部爆炸冲击波载荷及破坏模式研究 期刊论文 卢芳云|张舵|陈旭光|覃金贵|
65 Dynamic tensile behaviour and full field strain measurement of high strength steel 期刊论文 Lu FY|Lin YL|Wen XJ|Liang MZ|
66 Experimental studies on mixed-mode dynamic fracture behaviour of aluminium alloy plates with narrow U-notch 期刊论文 Lu Fangyun|Chen Rong|Cao Lei|Lin Yuliang|
67 A Formula for Calculating the Velocities of Fragments from Velocity Enhanced Warhead 期刊论文 Wang, Mafa|Lu, Fangyun|Li, Xiangyu|Cao, Lei|
68 Flattened Brazilian Disc Method for Determining the Dynamic Tensile Stress-Strain Curve of Low Strength Brittle Solids 期刊论文 Chen R|Dai F|Qin J|Lu F|
69 三种船体钢拉伸力学性能的应变率效应研究 会议论文 卢芳云|
70 预制缺陷柱壳结构的等效裂纹分析方法 期刊论文 申志彬|张维星|
71 Inserting Stress Analysis of Combined Hexagonal Aluminum Honeycombs 期刊论文 Li Kang|Lin Yuliang|Chen Rong|Lu Fangyun|
72 A new method to estimate the projection angles of fragments from a D shape configuration 期刊论文 Mafa Wang|Fangyun Lu|Xiangyu Li|Lei Cao|
73 A new experimental technique for dynamic material properties 期刊论文 Liang M Z|Li X Y|Lu F Y|Qin J G|
74 An improved design of the shrike warhead and its damage effectiveness 期刊论文 Li Xiangyu|Lu Fangyun|Chen Rong|Zhang Zhenyu|
75 考虑应变率效应的XXX炸药本构及断裂性能研究 奖励 李俊玲|赵鹏铎|陈高学|卢力|
76 Effect of loading rate on tensile properties of automotive steel sheet 期刊论文 Qin J G|Lu F Y|Lin Y L|Wen X J|
77 Axisymmetric problems of a penny-shaped crack at the interface of a bi-material under shear and compression 期刊论文 Li Xian-Fang|Tang Guo-Jin|Shen Zhi-Bin|Lee Kang Yong|
78 填充介质圆柱壳在侧向爆炸冲击作用下的变形型面研究 期刊论文 李翔宇|王马法|董文朴|梁民族|
79 不同温度下泡沫铝夹芯梁的三点弯曲变形和失效机理研究 会议论文 李志斌|卢芳云|
80 Improved expanding ring technique for determining dynamic material properties 期刊论文 Liang M Z|Li X Y|Qin J G|Lu F Y|
81 泡沫铝夹芯板压入和侵彻性能的实验研究 期刊论文 李志斌|卢芳云|
82 某高强钢动态拉伸过程的全场应变测量 会议论文 文学军|卢芳云|覃金贵|陈荣|
83 含损伤粘弹性本构及其在有限元分析中的实现 期刊论文 邓斌|申志彬|谢燕|唐国金|
84 PBX炸药的压剪起爆特性实验研究 会议论文 陈鹏|蒋邦海|陈荣|卢芳云|
85 Finite element method for viscoelastic medium with damage and the application to structural analysis of solid rocket motor grain 期刊论文 Deng Bin|Shen ZhiBin|Duan JingBo|Tang GuoJin|
86 The Pore Collapse "Hot-Spots'' Model Coupled with Brittle Damage for Solid Explosives 期刊论文 Cheng L R|Chen R|Shi H J|Lu F Y|