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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Euler's Elastica strategy for limited-angle computed tomography image reconstruction 期刊论文 H. Zhang;L. Wang;Y. Duan;L. Li;G. Hu;B. Yan
2 Stochastic analysis of delayed mobile offloading in heterogeneous networks 期刊论文 H.-M. Wu;K. Wolter
3 SeqTU: A web server for identification of bacterial transcription units 期刊论文 X. Chen;W.-C. Chou;Q. Ma;Y. Xu
4 A note on weighted Korn inequality 期刊论文 M. Jiang;R. Jiang
5 Poincaré inequality for Dirichlet distributions and infinite-dimensional generalizations 期刊论文 S. Feng;L. Miclo;F.-Y. Wang
6 Boundary problems for the fractional and tempered fractional operators 期刊论文 W. Deng;B. Li;W. Tian;P. Zhang
7 Energy-efficient decision making for mobile cloud offloading 期刊论文 H.-M. Wu;Y. Sun;K. Wolter
8 Vertex-imprimitive symmetric graphs with exactly one edge between any two distinct blocks 期刊论文 T. Fang;X.G. Fang;B. Xia;S. Zhou
9 Heat kernels for non-symmetric diffusion operators with jumps 期刊论文 Z.-Q. Chen;E. Hu;L. Xie;X. Zhang
10 Spectral analogues of Moon-Moser's theorem on Hamiltonian paths in bipartite graphs 期刊论文 B. Li;B. Ning
11 Signless Laplacian spectral radius and Hamiltonicity of graphs with large minimum degree 期刊论文 Y. Li;Y. Liu;X. Peng
12 Instability of solitary wave solutions for derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation in endpoint case 期刊论文 C. Ning;Y. Wu;M. Ohta
13 Minimal surfaces for Hitchin representations 期刊论文 S. Dai;Q. Li
14 Stabilization of regime-switching process by feedback control based on discrete time observations 期刊论文 J. Shao
15 Local and global dynamic bifurcations of nonlinear evolution equations 期刊论文 D. Li;Z.-Q. Wang
16 Convolutional neural network with nonlinear competitive units 期刊论文 Z.-L. Chen;J. Wang;W.-J. Li;N. Li;H.-M. Wu;D.-W. Wang
17 The Euler-Maruyama method for (functional) SDEs with Hölder drift and α-stable noise 期刊论文 X. Huang;Z. Liao
18 Berry-Esseen bounds for self-normalized martingales 期刊论文 X. Fan;Q.-M. Shao
19 Automorphism groups of smooth quintic threefolds 期刊论文 K. Oguiso;X. Yu
20 Ultra-high dimensional variable selectio with application to normative aging study: DNA methylation and metabolic syndrome 期刊论文 G. Yoon;Y. Zheng;Z. Zhang;H. Zhang;T. Gao;B. Joyce;W. Zhang;W. Guan;A. A.Baccarelli;W. Jiang;J. Schwartz;P.S.Vokonas;L. Hou;L. Liu
21 Variational formula for the stability of regime-switching diffusion processes 期刊论文 J. Shao;L. Wang
22 Destabilizing turbulence in pipe flow 期刊论文 J. Kühnen;B. Song;D. Scarselli;N.B. Budanur;M. Riedl;A.P. Willis;M. Avila;B. Hof
23 Ranks of overpartitions modulo 6 and 10 期刊论文 Kathy Q. Ji;Helen W.J. Zhang;Alice X.H. Zhao
24 Classification of homogeneous minimal immersions from S^2 to HP^n 期刊论文 J. Fei;L. He
25 Fluctuating hydrodynamic methods for fluid-structure interactions in confined channel geometries 期刊论文 Y. Wang;H. Lei;P.J. Atzberger
26 On the decomposition of random hypergraphs 期刊论文 X. Peng
27 Higher order eigenvalues of non-local Schrödinger operators 期刊论文 N. Jacob;F.-Y. Wang
28 r-Log-concavity of partition functions 期刊论文 Q.-H. Hou;Z.-R. Zhang
29 Multiple solutions for nonhomogeneous Schrödinger-Poisson equations with sign-changing potential 期刊论文 L. Wang;S. Ma;N. Xu
30 Modeling and simulation for toxicity assessment 期刊论文 C. Anton;J. Deng;Y. Wong;Y. Zhang;W. Zhang;S. Gabos;Dorothy Y. Huang;C. Jin
31 Hypercontractivity and applications for stochastic Hamiltonian systems 期刊论文 F.-Y. Wang
32 Korn's inequality and John domains 期刊论文 R. Jiang;A. Kauranen
33 Coloring graphs with two odd cycle lengths 期刊论文 J. Ma;B. Ning
34 Anomaly cancellation and modularity, II: the E8×E8 case 期刊论文 F. Han;K. Liu;W. Zhang
35 Sharp large deviations for sums of bounded from above random variables 期刊论文 X. Fan
36 Decompositions and bang-bang properties 期刊论文 G. Wang;Y. Zhang
37 The systematic analysis of ultraconserved genomic regions in the budding yeast 期刊论文 Z.-K. Yang;F. Gao
38 Zisland Explorer: detect genomic islands by combining homogeneity and heterogeneity properties 期刊论文 W. Wei;F. Gao;M.-Z. Du;H.-L. Hua;J. Wang;F.-B. Guo
39 Distribution dependent SDEs for Landau type equations 期刊论文 F.-Y. Wang
40 Observability inequalities and unique continuation estimates for the Schrödinger equation in the whole space 期刊论文 G. Wang;M. Wang;Y. Zhang
41 Quasi-homography warps in image stitching 期刊论文 N. Li;Y. Xu;C. Wang
42 Global well-posedness for the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation in H1/2(R) 期刊论文 Z. Guo;Y. Wu
43 Elliptic fibrations on K3 surfaces and Salem numbers of maximal degree 期刊论文 X. Yu
44 Self-normalized deviation inequalities with application to t-statistic 期刊论文 X. Fan
45 Closability of quadratic forms associated to invariant probability measures of SPDEs 期刊论文 M. Röckner;F.-Y. Wang
46 Dynamic bifurcation from infinity of nonlinear evolution equations 期刊论文 C. Li;D. Li;Z. Zhang
47 Asymptotic torsion and Toeplitz operators 期刊论文 J.M. Bismut;X. Ma;W. Zhang
48 Integrability conditions for SDEs and semi-linear SPDEs 期刊论文 F.-Y. Wang
49 Tetrathienyl-functionalized red- and NIR-absorbing BODIPY dyes appending various peripheral substituents 期刊论文 P. Liu;F. Gao;L. Zhou;Y. Chen;Z.J. Chen
50 Oracle inequalities and selection consistency for weighted lasso in high-dimensional additive hazards model 期刊论文 H. Zhang;L. Sun;Y. Zhou;J. Huang
51 Regularized estimation in GINAR(p) process 期刊论文 H. Zhang;D. Wang;L. Sun
52 Correntropy maximization via ADMM- application to robust hyperspectral unmixing 期刊论文 F. Zhu;A. Halimi;P. Honeine;B. Chen;N. Zheng
53 Nearly equal distributions of the rank and the crank of partitions 会议论文 William Y.C. Chen;Kathy Q. Ji;Wenston J.T. Zang
54 DMINDA 2.0: integrated and systematic views of regulatory DNA motif identification and analyses 期刊论文 J. Yang;X. Chen;A. McDermaid;Q. Ma
55 Functional SPDE with multiplicative noise and Dini drift 期刊论文 X. Huang;F.-Y. Wang
56 Prediction of disordered RNA, DNA, and protein binding regions using DisoRDPbind 期刊论文 Z. Peng;C. Wang;V.N. Uversky;L. Kurgan
57 A note on the Lichnerowicz vanishing theorem for proper actions 期刊论文 W. Zhang
58 A novel variational model for retinex in presence of severe noises 期刊论文 L. Liu;Z.-F. Pang;Y. Duan
59 Time optimal sampled-data controls for the heat equation 期刊论文 G. Wang;D. Yang;Y. Zhang
60 Regularized estimation in sparse high-dimensional multivariate regression, with application to a DNA methylation study 期刊论文 H. Zhang;Y. Zheng;G. Yoon;Z. Zhang;T. Gao;B. Joyce;W. Zhang;J. Schwartz;P. Vokonas;E. Colicino;A. Baccarelli;L. Hou;L. Liu
61 Stanley's lemma and multiple theta functions 期刊论文 William Y.C. Chen;Lisa H. Sun
62 Analysis of panel count data with time-dependent covariates and informative observation process 期刊论文 S. Fang;H. Zhang;L. Sun;D. Wang
63 Screenshot-based color compatibility assessment and transfer for web pages 期刊论文 O. Wu;M. Han
64 Global well-posedness for periodic generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation 期刊论文 J. Bao;Y. Wu
65 Iteratively Divide-and-Conquer learning for nonlinear classification and ranking 期刊论文 O. Wu;X. Mao;W. Hu
66 Positive scalar curvature on foliations 期刊论文 W. Zhang
67 The spt-Function of Andrews 会议论文 William Y.C. Chen
68 Abnormal event detection based on analysis of movement information of video sequence 期刊论文 T. Wang;M. Qiao;Y. Deng;Y. Zhou;H. Wang;Q. Lyu;H. Snoussie
69 Stability of multi-solitons for the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation 期刊论文 S. Le Coz;Y. Wu
70 Global small solutions to the compressible 2D magnetohydrodynamic system without magnetic diffusion 期刊论文 J. Wu;Y. Wu