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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 The estimation accuracy for ultrasonic Doppler velocity distribution of arterial blood flow based on coherent plane wave compounding. 会议论文 M Xiong;Y Zhang
2 Compound Doppler ultrasound signal simulation for pulsatile carotid arteries with a stenosis 期刊论文 Gao Lian;Zhang Yufeng;Zhou Yi;Hu Xiao;Deng Li;Zhang Kexin;Cai Guanghui;Zhang Junhua
3 经验模态分解及其模态混叠消除的研究进展 期刊论文 戴婷;张榆锋;章克信;何冰冰;朱泓萱;张俊华
4 Detection of carotid intima and media thicknesses based on ultrasound B-mode images clustered with Gaussian Mixture Model 会议论文 G Qi;Y Z'hang
5 Matching pursuit for inter-scatterer spacing estimation from ultrasound RF echo signals 会议论文 X. Zeng;Y. Zhang
6 基于解析速度分布的动脉瘤超声多普勒血流信号仿真 期刊论文 高莲;张榆锋;阎金娥;李支尧;章克信;熊敏;韩素雅
7 Signal Processing for Local Pulse Wave Velocity Estimation Based on Fourier Decomposition. 会议论文 H Mo;Y Zhang
8 A novel method for separating harmonic from ultrasonic echo signals using improved complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise algorithm 会议论文 S Han;Y Zhang
9 超声传输时间法颈动脉脉搏波速估计精度及影响因素研究, 期刊论文 邓丽;张榆锋;杨丽春;胡晓;李支尧;高莲;张俊华
10 超声脉动环颈动脉局域脉搏波速检测性能评估 期刊论文 赵伟佳;张榆锋;李支尧;陈建华;高莲;张俊华
11 Ultrasonic speckle tracking with an adaptive frame interval for the measurement of blood flow velocities 会议论文 B. He;Y. Zhang
12 Ultrasound simulation model incorporating incident and reflected wave propagations along a common carotid artery 期刊论文 L. Deng;Y. Zhang;Z. Zhao;K. Zhang;X. Hu;L. Gao;H. Liang
13 A Numerical Integral Algorithm Based on the CAPSO to Improve the Estimation for the Parameters of the Homodyned-K Distribution 会议论文 Y. Wang;Y. Zhang
14 The variation in frequency locations in Doppler ultrasound spectra for maximum blood flow velocities in narrowed vessels 期刊论文 YY Zhang;Y Zhang;L Gao;L Deng;X Hu;S Han;J Chen
15 颈动脉斑块的超声仿真及系统实现 期刊论文 姚瑞晗;张榆锋;施继红;胡晓;高莲;章克信
16 Locations of optimally matched Gabor atoms from ultrasound RF echoes for Inter-scatterer spacing estimation 期刊论文 X Zeng;Y Zhang;Z Li;J Yang;L Gao;J Zhang
17 颈动脉B超估计血管壁搏动位移的干扰抑制 期刊论文 张晴晖;张榆锋;林文晶;周屹;章克信;高莲
18 Evaluation of TT-based Local PWV Estimation for Different Propagation Velocities 会议论文 L. Deng;Y. Zhang
19 一种最优帧间隔追踪估计的超声血流速度场测量 专利 何冰冰;张榆锋
20 一种皮下浅层动脉血管局域弹性分布检测探头 专利 胡晓;张榆锋;陈建华;高莲;邓丽;姚瑞晗;彭程祥;熊敏
21 一种浅表血管组织搏动位移检测装置 专利 邓丽;张榆锋;陈建华;高莲;胡晓;杨晨迪;韩素雅;武柯言
22 Assessment of Homodyned K Distribution Modeling Ultrasonic Speckles from Scatterers with Varying Spatial Organizations 期刊论文 Hu Xiao;Zhang Yufeng;Deng Li;Cai Guanghui;Zhang Qinghui;Zhou Yi;Zhang Kexin;Zhang Junhua
23 Regional upstroke tracking for transit time detection to improve the ultrasound-based local PWV estimation in carotid arteries 期刊论文 L Deng;Y Zhang;Z Chen;Z Zhao;K Zhang;J Wu
24 An Ultrasound Simulation Model for the Pulsatile Blood Flow Modulated by the Motion of Stenosed Vessel Wall 期刊论文 Zhang Qinghui;Zhang Yufeng;Zhou Yi;Zhang Kun;Zhang Kexin;Gao Lian
25 Assessment of Nakagami Parameters of Ultrasonic Harmonic Envelopes for Noninvasive Microwave Ablation Monitoring 会议论文 H. Zhu;Y. Zhang
26 一种可调压异形可变内径调流装置 专利 高莲;李宝磊;赵磊;安镇宙;刘亚杰;张榆锋;施心陵
27 A comparison of ultrasound-based QA and ln(D)U methods for measurement local pulse wave velocity 会议论文 W. Zhao;Y. Zhang
28 An assessment of coherent plane-wave compounding ultrasonography applied to detect the common carotid artery wall with the three-membrane structure 会议论文 C Yang;Y Zhang
29 A dynamic ultrasound simulation of a pulsating three-layered CCA for validation of 2D wall motion and blood velocity estimation algorithms 期刊论文 X. Hu;Y. Zhang;G. Cai;K. Zhang;L. Deng;L. Gao
30 组织超声谐波特性的Nakagami分布统计特征研究 期刊论文 武柯岩;张榆锋;赵征鹏;高莲;章克信;张俊华;陈建华
31 Adaptive Ultrasound Tissue Harmonic Imaging Based on an Improved Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition Algorithm. 期刊论文 S Han;Y Zhang;K Wu;B He;K Zhang;H Liang
32 一种体内深层大中动脉局域脉搏波波速检测探头 专利 张榆锋;韩素雅;高莲;章克信;陈建华;王玉茜