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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Nitrogen deposition as an important nutrient from the environment and its impact on ecosystems in China 期刊论文 Liu XueJun;Song Ling;He ChunE;Zhang FuSuo
2 New estimates of direct N(2)O emissions from Chinese croplands from 1980 to 2007 using localized emission factors 期刊论文 Christie, P.|Ju, X. T.|Zhang, Q.|Gao, B.|Zhang, F. S.|
3 Root zone soil nitrogen management to maintain high tomato yields and minimum nitrogen losses to the environment 期刊论文 Ren Tao;Christie Peter;Wang Jingguo;Chen Qing;Zhang Fusuo
4 Root morphological and proteomic responses to growth restriction in maize plants supplied with sufficient N 期刊论文 Huifeng Yan;Ke Li;Hong Ding;Chengsong Liao;Xuexian Li;Lixing Yuan;Chunjian Li
5 Nitrogen deposition and its ecological impact in China: An overview 期刊论文 Xuejun Liu();Lei Duan();Jiangming Mo();Enzai Du();Jianlin Shen();Xiankai Lu ();Ying Zhang();Xiaobing Zhou();Chune He();Fusuo Zhang()
6 Phosphorus Dynamics: From Soil to Plant 期刊论文 Jianbo Shen;Lixing Yuan;Junling Zhang;Haigang Li;Zhaohai Bai;Xinping Chen;Weifeng Zhang;Fusuo Zhang
7 Critical Grain and Stover Nitrogen Concentrations at Harvest for Summer Maize Production in China 期刊论文 Zhang, Fusuo|Ye, Youliang|Cui, Zhenling|Li, Junliang|Yang, Zhiping|Chen, Xinping|
8 Soil and crop management strategies to prevent iron deficiency in crops 期刊论文 Zuo, Yuanmei|Zhang, Fusuo|
9 Nitrogen fertilizer induced greenhouse gas emissions in China 期刊论文 Liu Xuejun;Zhang Fusuo
10 The Phosphorus Footprint of China';s Food Chain: Implications for Food Security, Natural Resource Management, and Environmental Quality 期刊论文 Ma, L.|Sims, J. T.|Wang, F.|Ma, W.|Dou, Z.|Zhang, F.|
11 High concentrations and dry deposition of reactive nitrogen species at two sites in the North China Plain 期刊论文 Shen J. L.;Tang A. H.;Liu X. J.;Fangmeier A.;Goulding K. T. W.;Zhang F. S.
12 Optimization of yield and water-use of different cropping systems for sustainable groundwater use in North China Plain 期刊论文 Sun Qinping;Kroebel Roland;Mueller Torsten;Roemheld Volker;Cui Zhenling;Zhang Fusuo;Chen Xinping
13 Atmospheric ammonia and particulate ammonium from agricultural sources in the North China Plain 期刊论文 Shen, Jianlin|Liu, Xuejun|Zhang, Ying|Fangmeier, Andreas|Goulding, Keith|Zhang, Fusuo|
14 Impacts of Pollution Controls on Air Quality in Beijing during the 2008 Olympic Games 期刊论文 Shen, Jianlin|Tang, Aohan|Liu, Xuejun|Kopsch, Jenny|Fangmeier, Andreas|Goulding, Keith|Zhang, Fusuo|
15 Influence of long-term nitrogen fertilization on micronutrient density in grain of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 期刊论文 Rongli Shi;Yueqiang Zhang;Xinping Chen;Qinping Sun;Fusuo Zhang;Volker Roemheld;Chunqin Zou
16 Covering Middle Leaves and Ears Reveals Differential Regulatory Roles of Vegetative and Reproductive Organs in Root Growth and Nitrogen Uptake in Maize 期刊论文 Shang, Aixin|Yu, Peng|Yan, Huifeng|Peng, Yunfeng|Li, Chunjian|
17 Localized application of soil organic matter shifts distribution of cluster roots of white lupin in the soil profile due to localized release of phosphorus 期刊论文 Li Hai-Gang;Shen Jian-Bo;Zhang Fu-Suo;Lambers Hans
18 The Mucilage Proteome of Maize (Zea mays L.) Primary Roots 期刊论文 Hochholdinger, Frank|Zhang, Fusuo|Muthreich, Nils|Li, Chunjian|Schuetz, Wolfgang|Liao, Chengsong|Ma, Wei|Franz-Wachtel, Mirita|
19 Regulation of AhFRO1, an Fe(III)-chelate reductase of peanut, during iron deficiency stress and intercropping with maize 期刊论文 Ding Hong;Duan Lihong;Wu Huilan;Yang Rongxin;Ling Hongqing;Li Wen-Xue;Zhang Fusuo
20 Total nitrogen deposition at key growing stages of maize and wheat as affected by pot surface area and crop variety 期刊论文 He Chun-E;Wang Xin;Liu Xuejun;Fangmeier Andreas;Christie Peter;Zhang Fusuo
21 Root growth in response to nitrogen supply in Chinese maize hybrids released between 1973 and 2009 期刊论文 Wu QiuPing|Chen FanJun|Chen YanLing|Yuan LiXing|Zhang FuSuo|Mi GuoHua|
22 Genetic analysis of vertical root pulling resistance (VRPR) in maize using two genetic populations 期刊论文 Liu Jianchao;Cai Hongguang;Chu Qun;Chen Xiaohui;Chen Fanjun;Yuan Lixing;Mi Guohua;Zhang Fusuo
23 The role of root hairs in cadmium acquisition by barley 期刊论文 Zhao, Fang-Jie|Roemheld, Volker|Zhang, Fusuo|Zheng, Ruilun|Jiang, Rongfeng|Li, Huafen|
24 主要作物高产高效 专著 张福锁|
25 Nitrogen deposition and its contribution to nutrient inputs to intensively managed agricultural ecosystems 期刊论文 Liu, Xuejun|Christie, Peter|Fangmeier, Andreas|Wang, Xin|He, Chun-E|Zhang, Fusuo|
26 Cloning and functional analysis of the peanut iron transporter AhIRT1 during iron deficiency stress and intercropping with maize 期刊论文 Ding, Hong|Duan, Lihong|Li, Jing|Yan, Huifeng|Zhao, Meng|Zhang, Fusuo|Li, Wen-Xue|
27 根际生态学 专著 张福锁、申建波等
28 Assessment of effects of the rising atmospheric nitrogen deposition on nitrogen uptake and long-term water-use efficiency of plants using nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes 期刊论文 Yao, F. Y.|Wang, G. A.|Liu, X. J.|Song, L.|
29 Effect of monoculture soybean on soil microbial community in the Northeast China 期刊论文 Li C;Li X;Kong W;Wu Y;Wang J
30 Response of aerobic rice growth and grain yield to N fertilizer at two contrasting sites near Beijing, China 期刊论文 Zhang Limeng;Lin Shan;Bouman B. A. M.;Xue Changying;Wei Fengtong;Tao Hongbin;Yang Xiaoguang;Wang Huaqi;Zhao Dule;Dittert Klaus
31 Positive feedback between acidification and organic phosphate mineralization in the rhizosphere of maize (Zea mays L.) 期刊论文 Ding Xiaodong;Fu Li;Liu Chenjia;Chen Fanjun;Hoffland Ellis;Shen Jianbo;Zhang Fusuo;Feng Gu
32 Integrated soil and plant phosphorus management for crop and environment in China. A review 期刊论文 Haigang Li;Gaoqiang Huang;Qingfeng Meng;Lin Ma;Lixing Yuan;Fanghao Wang;Weifeng Zhang;Zhenling Cui;Jianbo Shen;Xinping Chen;Rongfeng Jiang;Fusuo Zhang
33 Integrated Soil-Crop System Management: Reducing Environmental Risk while Increasing Crop Productivity and Improving Nutrient Use Efficiency in China 期刊论文 Zhang Fusuo;Cui Zhenling;Fan Mingsheng;Zhang Weifeng;Chen Xinping;Jiang Rongfeng
34 Rhizosphere Processes and Management for Improving Nutrient Use Efficiency and Crop Productivity. Implications for China 期刊论文 Zhang Fushuo;Shen Jianbo;Zhang Junlin;Zuo Yuanmei;Li Long;Chen Xinping
35 Two strategies for achieving higher yield under phosphorus deficiency in winter wheat grown in field conditions 期刊论文 Wang Lanzhen;Chen Fanjun;Zhang Fusuo;Mi Guohua
36 Integrated soil-crop system management for food security 期刊论文 Chen Xinping;Cui Zhenling;Vitousek Peter M.;Cassman Kenneth G.;Matson Pamela A.;Bai Jinshun;Meng Qingfeng;Hou Peng;Yue Shanchao;Roemheld Volker;Zhang Fusuo
37 Crop nitrogen use and soil mineral nitrogen accumulation under different crop combinations and patterns of strip intercropping in northwest China 期刊论文 Li Chun-Jie;Li Yu-Ying;Yu Chang-Bing;Sun Jian-Hao;Christie Peter;An Min;Zhang Fu-Suo;Li Long
38 Nitric oxide is involved in phosphorus deficiency-induced cluster-root development and citrate exudation in white lupin 期刊论文 Baolan Wang;Xiaoyan Tang;Lingyun Cheng;Anzhi Zhang;Wenhao Zhang;Fusuo Zhang;Junqi Liu;Yuanlin Cao;Deborah Allan;Carroll P. Vance;Jianbo Shen
39 Ideotype root architecture for efficient nitrogen acquisition by maize in intensive cropping systems 期刊论文 Mi GuoHua|Chen FanJun|Wu QiuPing|Lai NingWei|Yuan LiXing|Zhang FuSuo|
40 Linking plant identity and interspecific competition to soil nitrogen cycling through ammonia oxidizer communities 期刊论文 Fenliang Fan;Fusuo Zhang;Yahai Lu
41 Nitrogen enrichment enhances the dominance of grasses over forbs in a temperate steppe ecosystem 期刊论文 Song L.;Bao X.;Liu X.;Zhang Y.;Christie P.;Fangmeier A.;Zhang F.
42 Processes and factors controlling N(2)O production in an intensively managed low carbon calcareous soil under sub-humid monsoon conditions 期刊论文 Ju Xiaotang;Lu Xing;Gao Zhiling;Chen Xinping;Su Fang;Kogge Martin;Roemheld Volker;Christie Peter;Zhang Fusuo
43 Iron and zinc biofortification strategies in dicot plants by intercropping with gramineous species. A review 期刊论文 Zuo Yuanmei;Zhang Fushuo
44 Involvement of miR169 in the nitrogen-starvation responses in Arabidopsis 期刊论文 Zhao Meng;Ding Hong;Zhu Jiankang;Zhang Fusuo;Li Wen-Xue
45 Auxin transport in maize roots in response to localized nitrate supply 期刊论文 Liu Jinxin;An Xia;Cheng Lei;Chen Fanjun;Bao Juan;Yuan Lixing;Zhang Fusuo;Mi Guohua
46 最佳养分管理技术 专著 张福锁|
47 Using In-Season Nitrogen Management and Wheat Cultivars to Improve Nitrogen Use Efficiency 期刊论文 Cui Zhenling;Zhang Fusuo;Chen Xinping;Li Fei;Tong Yiping
48 Optimizing Soil Nitrogen Supply in the Root Zone to Improve Maize Management 期刊论文 Chen X. P.;Zhang F. S.;Cui Z. L.;Li F.;Li J. L.
49 In-season nitrogen management strategy for winter wheat: Maximizing yields, minimizing environmental impact in an over-fertilization context 期刊论文 Dou, Zhengxia|Zhang, Fusuo|Li, Junliang|Cui, Zhenling|Chen, Xinping|
50 Estimating total nitrogen deposition in agroecosysterns in northern China during the wheat cropping season 期刊论文 He ChunE;Liu XueJun;Peter Christie;Andreas Fangmeier;Zhang FuSuo
51 Rhizosphere isoflavones (daidzein and genistein) levels and their relation to the microbial community structure of mono-cropped soybean soil in field and controlled conditions 期刊论文 Guo ZY;Kong CH;Wang JG;Wang Y
52 Evaluating hyperspectral vegetation indices for estimating nitrogen concentration of winter wheat at different growth stages 期刊论文 Li Fei;Miao Yuxin;Hennig Simon D.;Gnyp Martin L.;Chen Xinping;Jia Liangliang;Bareth Georg
53 Changes in root length at the reproductive stage of maize plants grown in the field and quartz sand 期刊论文 Niu Junfang;Peng Yunfeng;Li Chunjian;Zhang Fusuo
54 An improved nitrogen difference method for estimating biological nitrogen fixation in legume-based intercropping systems 期刊论文 Zhang Fu-Suo|Li Chun-Jie|Yu Chang-Bing|Sun Jian-Hao|He X. H.|Li Yu-Ying|Li Long|
55 Localized application of phosphorus and ammonium improves growth of maize seedlings by stimulating root proliferation and rhizosphere acidification 期刊论文 Jingying Jing;Yukui Rui;Fusuo Zhang;Zed Rengel;Jianbo Shen
56 Triangular Transplanting Pattern and Split Nitrogen Fertilizer Application Increase Rice Yield and Nitrogen Fertilizer Recovery 期刊论文 Fan, Mingsheng|Zhang, Fusuo|Liu, Xuejun|Lu, Shihua|Jiang, Rongfeng|
57 White Lupin Cluster Root Acclimation to Phosphorus Deficiency and Root Hair Development Involve Unique Glycerophosphodiester Phosphodiesterases 期刊论文 Shen, Jianbo|Miller, Susan|Liu, Junqi|Patton-Vogt, Jana|Bucciarelli, Bruna|Cheng, Lingyun|Zinn, Kelly|Vance, Carroll P.|Allan, Deborah|
58 Comparative Expression and Phylogenetic Analysis of Maize Cytokinin Dehydrogenase/Oxidase (CKX) Gene Family 期刊论文 Gu Riliang;Fu Junjie;Guo Song;Duan Fengying;Wang Zhangkui;Mi Guohua;Yuan Lixing
59 Significant Acidification in Major Chinese Croplands 期刊论文 Liu, X. J.|Vitousek, P. M.|Zhang, W. F.|Zhang, F. S.|Han, W. X.|Guo, J. H.|Zhang, Y.|Shen, J. L.|Goulding, K. W. T.|Christie, P.|