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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Characterization of the first complete mitochondrial genome of Cyphonocerinae (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) with implications for phylogeny and evolution of fireflies 期刊论文 Ge Xueying;Yuan Lilan;Kang Ya;Liu Tong;Liu Haoyu;Yang Yuxia
2 A taxonomic study on Themus (Telephorops) davidis species-group (Coleoptera, Cantharidae), with description of a new species from China 期刊论文 Yang Yuxia;Zong Le;Yang Xingke;Liu Haoyu
3 Five new species of Stenothemus Bourgeois from Guangxi, China (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) 期刊论文 Ge Shujuan;Liu Haoyu;Yang Xingke;Yang Yuxia
4 Review of the Stenothemus species from Southeast China (Coleoptera, Canthatidae) 期刊论文 Yang Yuxia;Ge Shujuan;Yang Xingke;Liu Haoyu
5 The complete mitogenome of Lycostomus sp. (Elateroidea: Lycidae) 期刊论文 Liu Hao Yu;Kang Zixuan;Zhang Fang;Ge Xueying;Yang Yuxia
6 Assessing the diversity and distribution pattern of the speciose genus Lycocerus (Coleoptera: Cantharidae) by the global-scale data 期刊论文 Liu Tong;Liu Haoyu;Wang Younan;Xi Huacong;Yang Yuxia
7 New species and taxonomic notes on Lycocerus hickeri species-group (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) 期刊论文 Xi Huacong;Wang Younan;Yang Xingke;Liu Haoyu;Yang Yuxia
8 Review of the genus Burmomiles Fanti, Damgaard & Ellenberger from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) 期刊论文 Yang Yuxia;Zhao Wei;Michael Geiser;Zhang Weiwei;Bai Ming;Liu Haoyu
9 First complete mitochondrial genome of Melyridae (Coleoptera, Cleroidea): genome description and phylogenetic implications 期刊论文 Yuan Lilan;Ge Xueying;Xie Guanglin;Liu Haoyu;Yang Yuxia
10 Definitions of two species groups of Stenothemus Bourgeois (Coleoptera, Cantharidae), with descriptions of three new species from China 期刊论文 Ge Shujuan;Yang Xingke;Liu Haoyu;Yang Yuxia
11 Taxonomic review of the Themus (Telephorops) nepalensis species-group (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) 期刊论文 Yang Yuxia;Xi Huacong;Yang Xingke;Liu Haoyu
12 A mitochondrial genome phylogeny of Cleridae Coleoptera, Cleroidea) 期刊论文 Yuan Lilan;Liu Haoyu;Ge Xueying;Yang Ganyan;Xie Guanglin;Yang Yuxia
13 A contribution to the knowledge of Themus (Haplothemus) Wittmer from China (Coleoptera: Cantharidae) 期刊论文 Yang Yuxia;Liu Haoyu;Yang Xingke
14 Four new species of Fissocantharis Pic, 1921 (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) from China 期刊论文 Yang Yuxia;Qi Yaqing;Yang Xingke
15 Taxonomic revision of Stenothemus species from Southwest China (Coleoptera, Canthatidae) 期刊论文 Yang Yuxia;Ge Shujuan;Yang Xingke;Liu Haoyu
16 First complete mitochondrial genomes of Ototretinae (Coleoptera, Lampyridae) with evolutionary insights into the gene rearrangement 期刊论文 Ge Xueying;Liu Tong;Kang Ya;Liu Haoyu;Yang Yuxia
17 Spatial origin and diversification of the Lycocerus fainanus species group (Coleoptera, Cantharidae), with descriptions of four new species from China and Vietnam 期刊论文 Xi Huacong;Wang Younan;Liu Tong;Yang Xingke;Liu Haoyu;Yang Yuxia
18 The complete mitochondrial genome sequence and phylogenetic analysis of Cantharis plagiata (Coleoptera, Canthridae) 期刊论文 Xi Huacong;Ge Shujuan;Kang Zixuan;Liu Haoyu;Yang Yuxia
19 The complete mitochondrial genome of Idgia oculata (Coleoptera: Cleroidea: Prionoceridae) and a related phylogenetic analysis of Cleroidea 期刊论文 Wu Ling;Nie Ruie;Bai Ming;Yang Yuxia
20 The complete mitochondrial genome sequence and phylogenetic analysis of Lycocerus asperipennis (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) 期刊论文 Wang Ping;Yuan Lilan;Ge Xueying;Liu Haoyu;Yang Yuxia
21 Studies on the Stenothemus harmandi species-group (Coleoptera, Canthatidae), with descriptions of two new species from China 期刊论文 Ge Shujuan;Yang Xingke;Liu Haoyu;Yang Yuxia