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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 A Charge-Trap Memory Device with the Composition-Modulated Zr-Silicate High-k Dielectric Multilayer Structure 期刊论文
2 Transmission electron microscopy observations on the interfacial structures of the Pt/SrBi2Ta2O9/Pt thin-film capacitors prepared by metallo-organic decomposition 期刊论文
3 Characterization of high-k gate dielectrics by atomic-resolution electron microscopy: current progress and future prospects 期刊论文
4 Modulation of the band offsets between La2Hf2O7 and fully depleted SiGe on insulator by NH3 treatment 期刊论文
5 应变硅NMOSFET中电子迁移率的增强及其温度特性 期刊论文
6 Hydrothermal synthesis of nanocrystalline BaTiO3 particles and structural characterization by high-resolution transmission 期刊论文
7 Silicon quantum dots in an oxide matrix for third generation photovoltaic solar cells 会议论文
8 Strained Silicon Dynamic Threshold Voltage MOSFETs for Low Voltage and Ultra High Speed CMOS circuits 会议论文
9 UV emission of tetragonal ZrO2 nanocrystals embedded in ZrSiO4 amorphous matrix 期刊论文
10 Morphology and atomic-scale surface structure of barium titanate nanocrystals formed at hydrothermal conditions 期刊论文
11 Characterization of Titania Incorporated with Alumina Nanocrystals and Their Impacts on Electrical Hysteresis and Photoluminescence 期刊论文
12 Study on the thermal stability and electrical properties of the high-k dielectrics (ZrO2)x(SiO2)1-x 期刊论文
13 Effect of NH3 and N2 annealing on the interfacial and electrical characteristics of La2O3 films grown on fully depleted SiGe on insulator substrates 期刊论文
14 Germanium-Silicon Quantum Dots Produced by Pulsed Laser Deposition for Photovoltaic Applications 会议论文
15 Fabrication of strained Ge film using a thin SiGe virtual substrate 期刊论文
16 Perovskite oxide nanotubes: Synthesis, structural characterization, properties and applications 期刊论文
17 A universal electron mobility model of strained Si MOSFETs based on variational wave functions 期刊论文
18 The effect of Si surface nitridation on the interfacial structure and electrical properties of (La2O3)0.5(SiO2)0.5 high-k gate dielectric films 期刊论文
19 Characterization upon potential properties of HfO2 stabilized by Y2O3 films as cubic phase 期刊论文
20 Influence of temperature on Ge layer morphology growth by ultrahigh vacuum CVD 会议论文
21 Fabrication and characterization of strained Si material using SiGe virtual substrate for high mobility devices 期刊论文
22 Impacts of additive uniaxial strain on hole mobility in bulk Si and strained-Si p-MOSFETs 期刊论文
23 Challenges in Atomic-Scale Characterization of High-K Dielectrics and Metal Gate Electrodes for Advanced CMOS Gate Stacks 期刊论文
24 An investigation into ultra-thin pseudobinary oxide (TiO2)x(Al2O3)1-x films as high-k gate dielectrics 期刊论文
25 The thermal stability and electrical properties of LaErO3 films as high-k gate dielectrics 期刊论文
26 Fabrication of High Quality SiGe Virtual Substrates by Combining Misfit Strain and Point Defect Techniques 期刊论文
27 Electrical hysteresis of the Ti0.25Al0.75Ox dielectric films after high-temperature treatment 期刊论文
28 Static noise margin analysis of double-gate MOSFETs SRAM 会议论文
29 A TiAl2O5 nanocrystal charge trap memory device 期刊论文
30 Thermal stability and electrical properties of titanium-aluminum oxide ultrafilms as high-k gate dielectric materials 期刊论文
31 高性能绝缘层上应变硅动态阈值MOSFET的优化设计 期刊论文
32 Impact of 〈100〉Channel Direction for High Mobility p-MOSFETs on Biaxial Strained Silicon 期刊论文
33 Microstructure and dielectric properties of La2O3 doped amorphous SiO2 films as gate dielectric materials 期刊论文
34 A 2D analytical model for SCEs in MOSFETs with high-k gate dielectric 期刊论文
35 Band alignments and improved leakage properties of (La2O3)0.5(SiO2)0.5/SiO2/GaN stacks for high-temperature metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor applications 期刊论文