
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Shifted character sums with multiplicative coefficients 期刊论文 Gong Ke;Jia Chaohua
2 典型群表示论 奖励 孙斌勇|
3 Gluing pseudo functors via n-fold categories 期刊论文 郑维喆|
4 Grunwald-Wang theorem, an effective version 期刊论文 王崧
5 Strong approximation and descent 期刊论文 Derenthal Ulrich;Wei Dasheng
6 Six operations and Lefschetz-Verdier formula for Deligne-Mumford stacks 期刊论文 Zheng Weizhe
7 A new functor from D5-Mod to E6-Mod 期刊论文 徐晓平
8 Uniqueness of Rankin-Selberg Periods 期刊论文 Chen Fulin;Sun Binyong
9 Universal torsors and values of quadratic polynomials represented by norms 期刊论文 Derenthal Ulrich();Smeets Arne;Wei Dasheng
10 Explicit Gross-Zagier and Waldspurger formulae 期刊论文 Cai Li;Shu Jie;Tian Ye
11 Topology of natural numbers and entropy of arithmetic functions 期刊论文 葛力明
12 Relative commutant of an unbounded operator affiliated with a finite von neumann algebra 期刊论文 Hadwin, Don|Shen, Junhao|Wu, Wenming|袁巍|
13 On hyper base change 期刊论文 Weizhe Zheng
14 Projective Oscillator Representations of sl(n+1) and sp (2m+2) 期刊论文 徐晓平|
15 Partial Differential Equation Approach to E7 期刊论文 徐晓平|
16 Parity and symmetry in intersection and ordinary cohomology 期刊论文 Sun Shenghao;Zheng Weizhe
17 On the equationP(t)=N_{K/k}(\Xi) 期刊论文 魏达盛|
18 The unramified Brauer group of norm one tori 期刊论文 Wei Dasheng()()
19 自守形式与李群表示论 奖励 孙斌勇|
20 Minimal rational curves on wonderful group compactifications 期刊论文 Michel Brion|付保华|
21 Conjugacy and element-conjugacy of homomorphisms of compact lie groups 期刊论文 Fang Yingjue;Han Gang;孙斌勇
22 Multiplicity one theorems, S-version 期刊论文 王崧|
23 Chevalley's Theorem for Affine Nash Groups 期刊论文 Fang, Yingjue|孙斌勇|
24 Some infinite dimensional representations of reductive groups with Frobenius maps 期刊论文 席南华
25 Kloosterman sums with multiplicative coefficients 期刊论文 Gong, Ke|Jia, Chaohua|
26 The Based ring of thelowest two-sided cell of an affine Weyl group, III 期刊论文 席南华
27 Z-graded oscillator representations of symplectic Lie algebras 期刊论文 Luo Cuiling;Xu Xiaoping
28 Conformal oscillator representations of orthogonal Lie algebras 期刊论文 徐晓平
29 Generalized semi-invariant distributions on p-adic spaces 期刊论文 Jiuzu Hong|孙斌勇|
30 Conservation relations for local theta correspondence 期刊论文 Binyong Sun;Chen-Bo Zhu
31 On the distribution of Jacobi sums 期刊论文 Qing Lu;Weizhe Zheng;Zhiyong Zheng
32 Almost Linear Nash Groups 期刊论文 孙斌勇
33 The nonvanishing hypothesis at infinity for Rankin-Selberg convolutions 期刊论文 孙斌勇
34 Quotient stacks and equivariantétalecohomologyalgebras: Quillen's theory revisited 期刊论文 Luc Illusie|郑维喆|
35 Supersymmetric analogues of the classical theorem on harmonic polynomials 期刊论文 Luo Cuiling;Xu Xiaoping
36 A New Functor From E6-Mod to E7-Mod 期刊论文 徐晓平|
37 典型群重数定理 奖励 孙斌勇|